LRM, Agir and Territories of Progress come together to launch Renaissance

by time news

The Republic on the Move (LRM) and two allied parties, Agir and Territories of Progress, meet on Saturday August 27 in Metz to put Renaissance, the new presidential party, on track, which takes the name of the political group elected in June at the National Assembly. The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, from the left wing of the majority, will speak at the end of this “executive seminar”.

A curious equation awaits Renaissance: for the first time since the 2008 reform, the presidential party supports a head of state who, re-elected for a second term, will not be able to stand again.

Another difficulty: the party does not have an absolute majority in the National Assembly, even with the support of its two autonomous allies, the MoDem of François Bayrou and Horizons of Edouard Philippe, anxious to preserve their singularity.

LRM, which had emerged in 2016 to elect President Emmanuel Macron, never had a real territorial anchoring, and collected setbacks in local elections. LRM is “a political party which, objectively, is quite ghostly, and quite unstructured (…), a big difference with the MoDem and even, to a certain extent, with Horizons which nevertheless went looking for a certain number of right-wing networks”notes Benjamin Morel, professor of public law at Paris-II Panthéon-Assas.

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A party led by Stéphane Séjourné

The new political formation will be led by Stéphane Séjourné, who is already president of the Renaissance group in the European Parliament. “Emmanuel Macron asked me to reinvent a new party”had announced, in July, in Figaro, the former adviser to the president.

A chart or table ” values ​​” will be added to the debate on Saturday to reaffirm the main principles of the presidential movement. Stanislas Guerini, future ex-boss of LRM and now Minister of Transformation and Public Service, hopes that Renaissance will reflect “an additional step of overcoming” of the right-left divide, Emmanuel Macron’s leitmotif.

The left wing is represented by Territories of Progress, led by the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt. The anchorage on the right is embodied by Agir, the party of the minister responsible for relations with Parliament, Franck Riester, whose unsuccessful project to merge with Horizons has pushed some troops to Edouard Philippe (Horizons).

Most “the big question will be how to build cohesion” with “a policy which, for reasons of balance in the Assembly, tends to the right, when you have a large part of deputies from the center left”believes Benjamin Morel.

Two ministers from the right wing, Bruno Le Maire and Gérald Darmanin, intend to get involved in the party. A “collective management” must lead the boat until the European elections, with a view to a Congress, then the presidential election of 2027. Because even without Mr. Macron, Renaissance will be called upon to support a candidate.

The World with AFP

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