The case of Finland exposes a rare tendency to punish women in the Saudi style

by time news

At a time when women around the world should be flourishing, we are seeing impressive setbacks. there is a rare tendency to punish women, Saudi style, for their sexuality.

Sanna Marin, Finland’s 36-year-old prime minister, is under fire for having danced with her friends in a nation that has been named “the happiest country in the world” in the UN-sponsored World Happiness Report.

What a bleak and still sexist world this is, when Marin is forced to tearfully apologize, and submit to a drug Test, after a video of her letting loose at a private party was leaked.

Finland’s head of government, Sanna Marin, had to apologize publicly. Photo: AFP

The Helsinki Times she contemptuously claimed that she looked like the “prom minister” and dismissed the music she danced to as “commoner.”

Jacinda Ardern, the premier of New Zealand, defended her Finnish colleague, asking: “How do we make sure we attract people into politics, rather than, as has historically been the case, discourage them?”

Rahm Emanuel, the US ambassador to Japan, tweeted about a double standard uncovering the episode: Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was hailed for drinking beers at a public concert, while Marin was criticized for dancing at a private party on her vacation.

“They are hitting her as immature,” Emanuel told me. “But she is mature enough to bring Finland into NATO. It has been a hard working management! Anyone could use a little party!” (He was alluding to Finland’s decision to join the Atlantic Alliance, increasing from 1,253 to 2,552 km, more than double, the border of the Western mutual defense organization against Russia. A reaction to the war against Ukraine that is transcendent due to its significant geopolitical weight. Sweden followed in the footsteps of Finland).

In United States

Joe Biden seemed to see how abnormal things are going in the US as well when, at a rally in suburban Washington, he denounced the MAGA gang (Donald Trump’s campaign slogan) for holding a vision that he said is ” like semi-fascism.

But when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade that gave her a constitutional right to abortion, the president was kind to Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Republican bloc in Congress.

It is incorrect to say that McConnell acted legitimately only because he did not break the law. McConnell leaned in and broke the rules: He held onto a Barack Obama nominee for a year to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat and then, with just a week to go before the 2020 election, endorsed the religious fanatic’s admission to the court. Amy Coney Barrett.

Barrett belonged to a Christian group called “Praise People,” in which men make the decisions about their wives.

Now, Barrett is making decisions for every woman in the country, and it’s outrageous. The Guardian reported another leaked video of a recent meeting, much scarier than the one questioning Marin. He exhibits the wife of the tyrannical leader of “Praise People” acknowledging that some women in the group cried so hard due to their subservient roles that they had to wear sunglasses.

Women who thought the Roe case would never really be overturned, or that if it did happen it wouldn’t have as much of an impact, are now realizing the earthquake what has it meant

Tudor Dixon, a Donald Trump acolyte who is the Republican candidate for governor in Michigan, told the Fox channel that abortion should be illegal even for raped minors. She suggested that having the baby still in these conditions could be “healing”.

Many women are angry and many are registering to vote in November. Just as women propelled Biden into the White House, now women have to rescue us again from a group of crazy conservatives who seek to determine our health care and how we live our lives. And maybe soon, if we can even be prom queens.

Fuente: The New York Times

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