Ilva Taranto, investigation in Potenza closed: 12 suspects. The network of Capristo, Amara and Laghi between business and favors

by time news

“A particular and favorable attention to the needs of Ilva in As“In exchange for interest in his own career. There Power of attorney closed the investigation that led to the arrest of the former Eni and Ilva lawyer Piero Amara, of the former extraordinary commissioner of the Ionic factory, Enrico Laghi, and the obligation of residence for Carlo Maria Capristo, former prosecutor of Trani and Taranto. There are a total of 12 suspects to whom in the last hours the Lucan prosecutor, led by Francesco Curcio, is giving notice of conclusion of the investigation. Among the names, in addition to those of Capristo and Amara, appear those of Nicola Nicoletti, consultant of the former Ilva, of Filippo Paradiso, policeman on duty in the offices of ministers and senators, and those of other magistrates already involved in the investigations on the ‘Trani system’ such as Michele Nardi e Antonio Savasta, both convicted at first instance in the criminal proceedings before the court of Lecce.

Among the 12 investigated, at the moment, the name of Enrico Laghi does not appear, arrested last September 27 and released a few days ago from Court of Review of Power: theformer Commissioner Ilva, in fact, he was later registered in the register of suspects with respect to the other people involved in the investigation and therefore for him the terms. No request for archiving, in short, since the name of Laghi appears in some charges and for Curcio prosecutors, Anna Weather in Piccininni e Giuseppe Borriello, is an “active subject of corruption in judicial acts”. In the order that led him to house arrest, Laghi was indicated as “the occult and unscrupulous director” who had worked to protect the former Ilva from actions that could damage his sale to private individuals, the main objective of the then-led government from Matteo Renzi. And to do so, according to the indictment, Laghi had used magistrates, lawyers and consultants. Thanks to the link established with Capristo, in fact, Laghi obtained for the accusation preferential lanes in a series of proceedings which involved the factory. Such as in the maxi process “Atmosphere sold out”, In which, thanks to Amara’s services, he reached an agreement for the plea bargain later rejected by the Court of Assizes.

Or for the fatal accident that led to the kidnapping of Afo2 in which Capristo pressured his substitutes to grant the release from seizure of the plant. And again in the criminal proceedings for the death of another worker in which, on the recommendation of Amara, the prosecutor appointed a welcome consultant to Ilva in As and granted in just over 24 hours the release from seizure of the conveyor belt where he had met his death Giacomo Campo. A “stable sale of functions judicial“By Capristo who, according to the power of attorney from Potenza, was the favor to be returned due to Amara’s interest in her appointment as head of the Taranto investigators. Not only. In return, Capristo for the accusation also obtained the appointment of “his inseparable companion” Giacomo Spider, also convicted in the trial al System Trani, as defender of executives of the former Ilva who was on trial.

For Capristo it is the second procedure criminal. In the first, which took him to house arrest in May 2020 and for which the process, is accused of having put pressure on the prosecutor of Trani, Silvia Curio, to carry out the criminal action against a man who the three brothers entrepreneurs from Bari Giuseppe, Cosimo and Gaetano Mancazzo they had sued for usury. From the investigations, however, the pm Tranese he understood that those complaints were unfounded and so he opened a file for slander against the three brothers. From those wiretapping, however, the close relationship between the Mancazzo family and the men closest to Capristo. One of them was the police inspector himself Scivittaro who in July 2018 at the request of the “master”, as Capristo was called, entered the office of the Curio and asked her to speed up the investigations. She reported everything to Capristo’s successor, the procurator Antonino Di Maio, but he asked for archiving by minimizing the each other. To what the Attorney General of Bari he took the investigations to himself and forwarded everything to the power of attorney since in the meantime Capristo he had been promoted to prosecutor in Taranto.

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