1. FC Cologne: Steffen Baumgart before the cup duel at VfB Stuttgart in flight mode – football

by time news

That was the height!

On Wednesday, FC will fly to Stuttgart for the cup duel (8.45 p.m. / Sky). Coach Steffen Baumgart (49) took off on Tuesday.

At the end of training he mingled with the Cologne professionals who were still thundering balls on goal. Baumgart switches to flight mode!

► The players should cross from the right and left, and ex-striker Baumgart (29 Bundesliga goals) lurked in the middle to execute.

Photo: Andreas Pohl

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/strafraum-stuermer-steffen-baumgart-will-eine-flanke-veredeln-501c0635d3c64db68f35aa333921e138-78068634/Bild/1.bild.jpg “/>

Penalty striker: Steffen Baumgart wants to refine a flankPhoto: Andreas Pohl

“Come on now! If a good ball comes, I’ll go to the press conference. I promise, ”bellowed Baumgart when nothing worked at first.

For the first time, the head coach actively participated in the training. But flank after flank sailed past – or he forgave at first.

Da lief's noch nicht: Baumgart ärgert sich über eine vergebene ChancePhoto: Andreas Pohl

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/da-liefs-noch-nicht-baumgart-aergert-sich-ueber-eine-vergebene-chance-4359e3f1c6f34afdaa7ecadb281f81e7-78068640/Bild/1. bild.jpg “/>

It didn’t work there yet: Baumgart is annoyed about a missed opportunityPhoto: Andreas Pohl

Baumgart finally incited left-back Jannes Horn (24): “Now I’m curious whether you have the nerve.”

Horn crossed, Baumgart dived and sank heavily into the corner with a flying header. Applause from his boys for this contribution.

Der Tief-Flug! Steffen Baumgart nickt nach Horn-Flanke im Stile eines Vollblut-Stürmers einPhoto: Andreas Pohl

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/der-tief-flug-steffen-baumgart-nickt-nach-horn-flanke-im-stile-eines-vollblut-stuermers-ein- a6ada07a516848af9a47f7ddb3f9664f-78068524 / image / 1.image.jpg “/>

The low flight! Steffen Baumgart nods after Horn flank in the style of a thoroughbred strikerPhoto: Andreas Pohl

► But Baumgart Stuttgart has to fall on Wednesday!

“It’s a final. You have to see that you are doing your best. I see the chances at 50:50, ”he says.

Die Landung: Nach seinem Flugkopfball-Tor muss Baumgart grinsenPhoto: Andreas Pohl

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/die-landung-nach-seinem-flugkopfball-tor-muss-baumgart-grinsen-bd5ff017fb974e48a194132055adcad7-78068658/Bild/1.bild.jpg ” />

The landing: Baumgart grins after his diving header goal. He shouted: “Now I can’t get up …”Photo: Andreas Pohl

Cologne is waving around 500,000 euros for advancement. Important for the tight cash register (about 63 million euros Corona lousy).

The cup plan is: rotation.

Baumgart: “We want to go into the game with the freshest team and we always talk about a broad squad. We’ll see that on the pitch. “

Rafael Czichos (31) has gastrointestinal problems, he is absent. Cup goalkeeper Marvin Schwänke (26) is in the box.

Baumgart says of him: “He trains very, very well. I assume that the goalkeeping position will get tighter in the long run. “


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