Despite the government’s small steps, LFI is preparing the “general battle” for the start of the school year

by time news

The start of the school year ? “It will be the general battle, there is no possible arrangement with us, no arrangement, no concession”, launched Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Friday August 26, in Valence, where the summer days (the “AMFIS”) of La France insoumise (LFI) were held. Simultaneously, however, the debate with Macronie was organized for three days, in a sometimes civilized atmosphere. A succession of gestures of appeasement which culminated on Saturday with the announcements of the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, using the vocabulary of the “rebellious” to evoke, why not, the possibility of taxing the « superprofits » multinationals.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Superprofits, tax loopholes: part of the majority wants to toughen the tone vis-à-vis companies

After a legislative campaign centered on the demonization of the deputies LFI, Nupes and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, three ministers of the government of Mme Terminal had made the trip to the summer days of the “rebellious”, Marlène Schiappa (social and solidarity economy), Clément Beaune (transport), Olivia Grégoire (SME, trade and tourism). “We have points of agreement, in particular on the fight to be waged against the far right and its ideas”concluded Marlène Schiappa at the end of her debate on secularism with the deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis Alexis Corbière.

The Secretary of State for the Social and Solidarity Economy Marlène Schiappa and the LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis Alexis Corbière debate during the summer days of La France insoumise, in Valence, on August 26, 2022.

Between Clément Beaune and MEP Manon Aubry, there was also a cordial debate, one preferring the ” balance of power “ to influence European decision-making, the other disobedience. What to reintegrate, for a moment, “rebellious” and macronists in the same republican camp.

But not all subjects lend themselves to appeasement. During a debate on the cost of living on Saturday, Olivia Grégoire was heartily booed as she hammered that yes, the real income of the French had increased. “If prices are blocked, France is not an island, we will have shortages, queues”she launched to Adrien Quatennens.

Against the “wage moderation” defended by the government, the “rebellious” deputy from the North had the room with him. Considering the audience, the minister’s sentences sounded like provocations: “That dividends are increasing in our countries is good news, it means that our companies are doing well! », did she say. “The camp of capital is waging its struggle tremendously well, and it has an ally of circumstance with this government”, replied Adrien Quatennens. Two irreconcilable visions, embodied by solid debaters, none of whom have moved an inch.

LFI deputy from the North Adrien Quatennens (left), accompanied by members of his group, at the summer days of La France insoumise, in Valence, August 28, 2022.

“Create a balance of power”

On Saturday evening, however, Elisabeth Borne’s announcements at the Parisian have fallen: the Prime Minister “don’t close the door” a tax on superprofits while the deputies of the presidential coalition opposed it in the National Assembly in July. Since the beginning of their summer days, “rebellious” and socialists have been competing for initiatives on this point. Challenged by some in the PS for having “weakened identity” socialist by allying himself with the movement of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Olivier Faure took the lead in proposing to the parliamentarians of Nupes a referendum of shared initiative on the taxation of superprofits.

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