Aniello Falcone, at the Diocesan Museum, a restoration reveals the breast of Mary

by time news

twelve o’clock, October 26, 2021 – 4:35 pm

the first ever exhibition on the painter called the Neapolitan Velazquez
Over twenty works including the newly restored Rest on the Flight into Egypt

from Natasha Festa

The first exhibition dedicated to Aniello Falcone (1607-1656) Il Velazquez in Naples; the first time of Monsignor Domenico Battaglia at the Diocesan Museum: I am a neighbor, I live opposite, but I had never entered it yet, I was expecting an excellent opportunity like this; the first time of the new mayor Gaetano Manfredi also in his capacity as councilor for culture in a symbolic place that combines great art and great spirituality. Ideal scenario for a manifesto idea: The Municipality will support the Region and the Ministry to put Naples at the center.

shadow carousel

Aniello Falcone, the first exhibition of the Neapolitan Velazquez

In Donnaregina in many, parterre of great occasions. The exhibition that collects over twenty works curated by Pierluigi Leone de Castris for whom Aniello Falcone is one of the greatest Neapolitan painters of the first half of the seventeenth century; and yet an exhibition or a monographic study has never been dedicated to him up to now. The biographer of southern artists Bernardo De Dominici baptized it in his own Quick “The Oracle of Battles” and said it was a pupil of the Spaniard Jusepe de Ribera, a great specialist in “genre” painting – battles in fact, but also still lifes and other subjects with small figures intended for collectors – and master of Salvator himself Rosa, Micco Spadaro, Andrea de Leone or Paolo Porpora.

Rest in the flight into Egypt before and after the restoration, Aniello Falcone, Diocesan Museum of Naples

Rest on the flight into Egypt the work subjected to a major restoration revealed the almost marble bare breasts, once covered by a cream-colored veil removed during the cleaning work. The beautiful catalog published by Elio DE Rosa illustrates the various passages thanks to an essay by Karin Tortora.

At the table, indeed, at the altar there was also the superintendent Luigi La Rocca: The exhibition itinerary – he said – also extended to churches that still preserve frescoes by Falcone, from San Giorgio Maggiore to San Paolo Maggiore to Ges Nuovo, treasures little known even to art lovers. It is a topographical network of great beauty that also involves Forcella, a neighborhood with its wounds, which must be healed with art and knowledge. This is why we are relaunching the sites of Carminiello ai Mannesi and the church of Santa Maria in Piazza for the redevelopment of which there is an ad hoc working group. From the superintendent, then, a thought to Edoardo Parlato, who died just a week ago, with whom we shared paths to recover the beauty of this area of ​​the city.

For the Region there was the Councilor for Tourism Felice Casucci who greeted his new municipal counterpart, Teresa Armato with whom we have already collaborated for some time being in the control room of Procida Capitale. In the museum directed by Adolfo Russo who introduced the works, until 24 January 2022, the path winds around the restoration of the Rest on the flight into Egyptwhich revealed the almost marble naked breast, once covered by a veil.

Beauty everywhere – concluded Monsignor Battaglia -, even in a puddle of a difficult neighborhood the sky is reflected. Art must rekindle the flame of hope and reweave the threads of trust so that our community can leave the disaster of the pandemic behind.

October 26, 2021 | 16:35

© Time.News

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