Employment in hotels in Catalonia falls 6.6% compared to pre-covid levels

by time news
  • In Catalonia there are 2,579 hotels, 6.2% less than before the pandemic

Employment in Catalan hotel accommodation last July stood at 6.6% below of the registered in the same month of 2019reaching the 43,275 active people, still far, therefore, from pre-covid levels. In Spain as a whole, employment in these accommodations is only above pre-pandemic levels in the two archipelagos, at a somewhat higher rate al 1 %according to figures from the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

At the end of last July there were in Spain 16,437 hotels open, 4% less than three years ago, before the pandemic, although in number of places the figures are similar at both times (around 1.86 million). In Catalonia, the number of open establishments reaches 2,579, 6.2% lesswhile in volume of places the decrease is more moderate (1.2%).

In terms of employment, all the establishments accounted for by the INE in the country as a whole add 277,829 workers, 1.7% less than at the end of July 2019when there were 282,603 ​​people active in the sector.

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The six major communities receiving tourists (Andalusia, Balearic, Canary Islands, Cataloniathe Valencian Community y Madrid) account for 56% of hotel establishments, but in number of beds they account for 81.5% of the total of Spanish establishments and in terms of employment, 85.1%.

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The only community that currently registers figures higher than those of 2019 in all parameters is Canary Islandswhere the number of open hotels is 5.6% higher (up to 564); that of vacancies offered, 3% (255,835), and that of employees, 1.2% (48,481).

In the Balearic Islands, both the places (366,061 in total, 1.5% more) and the number of workers (63,323, 1.1% increase) are above then, but not the number of establishments, which lowers the 4.7% (up to 1,278 hotels open now). Madrid is, among the six communities with the highest tourism, the one with the worst records: the number of open hotels has fallen by 9.1% in July of this year compared to that month of the previous year, up to a total of 1,041 open establishments.

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