Do You Really Burn More Calories During Your Period?

by time news

Many women feel extra hungry just before or during their period, as if we are burning a lot more. And whether it’s okay or not, most of us eat a little more than usual. We therefore asked ourselves whether it is a ‘between the ears’ thing, or whether you actually burn more when you have your period.

Menstruation and Metabolism

It is no wishful thinking, right before your period you actually burn more calories. But don’t count yourself rich just yet. Your metabolism won’t kick in overdrive. “We know that just before, during and after your period, there are all kinds of hormonal changes in your body,” says nutritionist Lisa Moskovitz. The Thirty.

Each cycle, your body goes through many hormonal changes. Less well-known is that this also has an influence on your basal metabolism and your metabolism. “Numerous studies show that just up to two weeks prior to menstruation, your metabolism is at its peak. This means that technically you burn the most calories a few days before your period compared to the other days of the month.”

Burn during luteal phase

The above is quite interesting: right before our period we burn more calories, even though we thought it would be during the monthly party. According to nutrition expert Alisa Vitti, our metabolism decreases slightly. “During the luteal phase (the second half of your cycle, ed.) your BMR increases by 10 percent to 20 percent and you burn more calories at rest,” she explains. “During the actual bleeding, all hormone levels reach their lowest point and your BMR drops back to normal levels.”

How to eat

You may feel hungrier during your period, but you will no longer burn. Nutrition expert Amy Shapiro therefore recommends eating more often to tame that unsaturated feeling of hunger. “I recommend eating small portions, but also eating more often to get those cravings against it,” she says. It can also help to include a little more protein in your diet, in order to maintain a feeling of fullness for a little longer.

Bron: The Thirty | Beeld: Unsplash (Parker Johnson)

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