A special expert will go over the classified material taken from Trump

by time news

An expert will provide the US court with an opinion that will determine whether the possession of the documents at the home of former President Trump endangered national security and constituted a violation of the law. The expert will present an opinion to the court, and it seems that it will have a great influence on the decision on how to manage the affair in the next stage

The federal judge handling the case of the FBI’s invasion of President Trump’s home at the Mar-a-Lego estate in Florida has informed the US Department of Justice that she intends to appoint a special expert to go over the documents found in the Trump home, and to check whether these are documents whose possession constitutes a criminal offense, or compromises security the state

The expert will present an opinion to the court, and it seems that it will have a great influence on the decision on how to manage the case in the next step. The fact that this is an unprecedented event in which such an active and invasive investigation is being conducted against a former president, who does not hide his intentions to run for office a second time, has been stirring up the US for several weeks, and has not gone off the agenda.

On Friday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation published the affidavit it submitted to the court before receiving permission to break into the former president’s home. In the affidavit, most of which was blacked out for censorship reasons, it was claimed that in the boxes of documents returned by Trump last time, after months of foot-dragging, about 25 highly classified documents were discovered, including documents that contained the names and identification details of security contacts, something that endangered their lives and American national security.

Following the raid on the former president’s home, great anger arose among Trump’s supporters, and some of the top Republican politicians came to his defense and claimed that the authorities were conducting a ‘witch hunt’ against him, with the aim of blackmailing him and incriminating him at any cost.

After days of incessant anger towards the Ministry of Justice and the FBI, the Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered its agents to hide their identification badges when they leave the FBI’s official headquarters, fearing that they would become the target of angry attacks by Trump-supporting citizens. The Attorney General of the United States, Justice Minister Merrick Garland claimed that after he publishes the affidavit submitted to the court, the public will understand how serious the suspicions against the former president are, and why there was no choice but to take the extraordinary step. In practice, it does not seem that the publication of the affidavit resulted in a change in the position of Trump supporters who strongly oppose the conduct of the legal proceedings against him, and believe that they are being carried out for reasons of political persecution.

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