yes of the Parliamentary Commission-

by time news
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After dozens of hearings, the report that points the finger at the president for the more than 600,000 victims of Covid was approved with 7 votes out of 11

The Brazilian Parliament’s Commission of Inquiry into Covid recommends the indictment of President Jair Bolsonaro for nine crimes related to his management of the emergency, including crimes against humanity: after dozens of hearings, the conclusions of the investigation into the spread of the pandemics have now been approved with 7 out of 11 votes. The report accuses the government, with its actions and omissions, of deliberately exposing Brazilians to mass contamination. There is also talk of prevarication, charlatanism and incitement to commit a crime. The investigations lasted months: the Commission started its work on April 27, when Brazil counted about 391,000 deaths from Covid, and ended them with deaths over 606,000: at the end of the vote, a minute of silence recalled the victims. Brazil ranks third for Covid deaths, after the United States and India.

Bolsonaro’s sons are also accused

The Commission has about 80 people in the sights, whose indictment is recommended, including several ministers, starting with those of Health and Foreign Affairs, deputies and Bolsonaro’s three eldest sons: senator Flavio, deputy Eduardo and councilor of Rio de Janeiro Carlos. The Commission also called for the suspension of the president from social networks, accusing Bolsonaro of spreading false news about the pandemic and against vaccines. The relationship is not immediately effective, indeed its effects risk being limited: it will have to be submitted to the competent prosecutor, headed by an ally of President Bolsonaro, Augusto Aras. However, the charge of crime against humanity could end up in the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

The high-risk strategy

The Commission accuses Bolsonaro of deliberately deciding not to take the necessary measures against the coronavirus, in a high-risk strategy that aimed at herd immunity. The president is criticized for the deliberate delay in the acquisition of vaccines, a life that the government had focused on other treatments, such as hydroxychloroquine, which proved to be ineffective, with tragic consequences for the population. Accusations also for failing to supply the Amazonian populations with oxygen, decimated by the virus. The president denies the allegations: We know we did the right thing from the start, repeats Bolsonaro.

October 27, 2021 (change October 27, 2021 | 04:06)

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