Less than 25 kilos and after face sculpting: Hana Leslau is flying about her new look

by time news

“One morning I’ll see that I’m dead,” says Hana Laslow, “I’m already 69 years old, it’s an age where every morning you make a comeback, but I’m an optimistic person so every morning I say ‘I’m grateful’. I turn the glass over and see what’s there and what I don’t have it, and I rediscover that I have enough.”

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Leslau, one of the best actresses and comedians we have, certainly has no reason to complain. She has a new one-man show called “Who’s Afraid of Camp Leslau” (the premiere will be held on September 6 at the Diamond Theater in Ramat Gan), she has a leading role in the play “The Craft of Life” (Hanuch Levin) at the Bhima, and soon we will see her on TV on MKR the winning kitchen With her television partner, Niv Gilboa. Besides, she looks wonderful. So wonderful, that today she even feels comfortable laughing at herself.
“My mother once told me, don’t look in the mirror too much, then you won’t see,” laughs Leslau, “Rabkahela Michaeli told me that someone approached her in a supermarket and said to her: ‘How do you make your makeup look good on TV.’ And maybe even more with those who are in the public eye. From the age of 21, I’m no longer a completely private person, and that continues to this day. When I go out to the bakery next to my house, I’m constantly stopped for a selfie.”

Leslau says she has lost 25 kilograms. “I did it little by little, a kilogram and one more, you mustn’t think that you need to lose 20 kg. You only have to think about the next kilogram and then another. I did it over the course of two and a half years and I keep it.”

The change is also evident on Leslau’s face, who reveals that she underwent a unique treatment of facial sculpting without surgery (we have already approached the explanation of Dr. Liora Hollander, a plastic surgeon and the one responsible for her new face appearance). Leslau says that she shows up at the clinic once every four to five months on as necessary, in order to preserve the result.

“My skin is good. I have good genetics. I’ve never had plastic surgery and I don’t do Botox,” she says, “I’ve been using the excellent products of Genetic for years and I have Dr. Liora Hollander who has been treating me since the age of 60 with hyaluronic acid injections . I don’t do anything exaggerated, it’s important to me to keep a natural facial appearance. After all, I am a comedian and must maintain my facial expressions, but injections in the cheeks and chin area, which in my eyes is very significant in the appearance of the face, make all the difference.”

“Only once did I give up injections for a period,” Leslau shares, “it was when I filmed the series ‘Who’s heard of Chava and Nava’ for Yes with the Keren Mor Foundation. Nava is a rather tragic character, a woman who was in a military band and was kicked out and she is the Mirmorite of the forest. I was I have to look neglected and with shocking clothes, and I admit that it was very difficult for me. I looked like the vegetables that are forgotten in the refrigerator, like a deflated balloon, but immediately after the photos I came back to myself and I’m keeping it. The thing that still bothers me is excess skin on the upper eyelids. When the day comes, I will treat it as well plunder”.

May I ask what about love?
“I love myself and my children and the audience, not all the answers are found in a relationship. I’ve been there twice and it was post-traumatic, especially the last marriage. At my age I should be 70 or older, so now to meet a new ass? I have mine. I don’t On Tinder and not in these other places, I don’t know what will happen if I meet someone, but the truth is I don’t have time. I’m a very busy person – career, children, grandchildren, friends. I’m never bored for a moment.”
Dr. Liora Hollander, a specialist in plastic surgery and until recently a senior doctor at Ichilov Hospital, explains about the change in Laszlo’s face: “Hannah has good genetics. Her skin is thick and it’s skin that doesn’t tend to wrinkle, but even good genetics are only preserved until the age of 40. She needs to be looked after and taken care of if you want to look good, and when you look good, as we know, it affects everything.”

What is known today about the field of face sculpting without surgery, which was not known before?
“Today we know that puberty does not lie in the appearance of wrinkles. In the past, wrinkles were treated obsessively, and today we already understand that this is not the point. An older appearance is the result of our subcutaneous network that holds everything together – and when it loosens, everything falls and then the face frame loses its shape. Face sculpting is a technique in which the facial frame is redefined, and the result is a type of facelift without surgery. Hana does not need surgery, because as mentioned she has good skin, she perseveres with the treatments and this preserves her genetics and slows down her maturation process.”

Did the drastic loss of 25 kg cause skin loss in Laszlo?
“In her case, no, because she has been treated for almost a decade and her sculpting is intense. She comes as needed once every few months. She can call and say that her cheek has dropped a little and that she will have a little ‘daddy’ in her face, because the hollow in the middle of her cheek reminds her of her father Hers. It’s her humor.”

How does the actual sculpture work?
“In the face sculpting process, you have to decide in advance what the correct anatomical structure you want to create. Everyone ages differently and you have to restore everyone to the facial structure they had, it is very important to me that the result looks natural. In the jaw line, for example, the chin structure undergoes changes with age and the chin becomes smaller or recedes. There is also a drooping of the fat pockets downward and you see excess skin in the jaw line and sides of the mouth, which is called the ‘bulldog look.’ The technique also works on the cheeks, which migrate downward over the years.”

What do you mean when you say good materials?
“There are excellent hyaluronic acids and there are less good ones. A good material is one that does not absorb water and does not produce edema. Good materials create a significant lifting effect and last longer and there is no need for a large amount. You have to trust the doctor you go to that he works with good materials. In general, it is very important to be careful with injections because many times we witness a phenomenon that produces pompons in the cheeks and piles of volumes that create a stuffed and grotesque appearance. Although the emphasis is on the face frame, of course we do not neglect the wrinkles, including in the grooves around the lips.”

What is the secret of Hana Leslau’s appearance?
“Hannah underwent a sculpting process and I returned her to the structure she once had. The process included definition of the cheekbones, she also had a hollow in the middle of her cheek and we closed it. In addition, I rebuilt her jawline and we actually built a chin. It was not really receded, but a little small When you define it correctly and produce good proportions, it creates camouflage, a type of optical illusion, and contributes to the fact that the excess neck will also be less noticeable. I returned Hana to the structure she had before, and whoever looks at her will not be able to put their finger on what she did, but will have to To admit that she looks very good and that her appearance is natural.”

Is this construction done all over again? Is this a process that needs to be repeated?
“No. The construction is one-time and then every few months they only do conservation. If the technique of the sculpture is correct and good materials are used, the result lasts longer.”

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