the symptoms of the disease-

by time news
from Cristina Marrone

In Italy an epidemic of respiratory syncytial virus, dangerous among newborns. Also Vittoria, the daughter of Chiara Ferragni and Fedez, hospitalized. That’s why so many cases now

After the United States and New Zealand, which first raised the alarm, a heavy virus epidemic has also arrived in Italy respiratory syncytial (Vrs) which is affecting very young children all over the country, with pediatric wards and intensive care units in hospitals overflowing with newborns and babies with bronchiolitis and pneumonia caused by the virus. In Padua there are 16 small patients, of which 4 intubated in intensive care.

At the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome 10 hospitalized, of which 2, just one month old, in intensive care, but also in the other regions the similar situation. Also in Milan Gianvincenzo Zuccotti, head of the Pediatrics department at the Buzzi Hospital in Milan confirms: The VRS virus is circulating, the wards and the emergency rooms are under pressure. 7 children with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis and 5 with negative VRS bronchiolitis are currently hospitalized at Buzzi. A girl with Vrs bronchiolitis was admitted to the intensive care unit.

Also Vittoria, 7 months old, the daughter of Chiara Ferragni and Fedez hospitalized since 24 October after contracting the respiratory virus: She is fine and finally feels more in strength – writes Ferragni – and now we need her oxygen levels to return to normality. And then an appeal: La Vitto a rock, gets better and better. Do not underestimate this virus that is running around because it is an ugly beast. Listen to me

Why lockdown has to do with it

During the last season, while the coronavirus lockdown was in effect, the Vrs virus was never isolated, which went to sleep precisely due to the harsh containment measures put in place to limit the spread of the coronavirus. In fact, a season was skipped. Experts say children may be more vulnerable than usual to respiratory viruses and seasonal infections they were not subjected to pathogens during the blockades decided during the pandemic. And mothers, who pass antibodies to Vrs through the placenta, also have one lower concentration of antibodies after spending last winter in lockdown. This is why the virus, which has started to circulate again, is now causing more serious cases. The epidemic arrived two months early he says Fabio Midulla, president of the Italian Society for Childhood Respiratory Diseases (Simri), full professor at La Sapienza University and head of the pediatric emergency room at Policlinici Umberto I in Rome.

The virus – explains Midulla to – causes if contracted in the first months of the child’s life forms of severe bronchiolitis, with clinical manifestations in the lower respiratory tract, while in older children and adults it resolves with mild symptoms, such as nasopharyngitis, fever or cough. But newborns are often protected by maternal antibodies that “pass” through the placenta. This time it was not so – notes the expert – and the epidemic that usually arrives in December-January broke out 2 months in advance. We expected it because for a year and a half the virus did not circulate thanks to the anti-Covid measures (hand washing, masks and social distancing). But as soon as these measures were relaxed, the older siblings returned to kindergarten or school, and with an antibody-free population the virus began to circulate, sooner and earlier than usual, and is giving serious forms in the very young.

Who risks more

Respiratory syncytial virus isolated in 1956 is one of the most circulating respiratory viruses in the world, especially in the winter season. It strikes at all ages, but more seriously infants, infants in the first months of life and the elderly with multiple pathologies. In young children under one year of age it can cause bronchiolitis and apneas. There are also some populations at risk, such as children with heart disease or severe prematurity or who have neurodevelopmental problems. In elderly people with comorbidities a dangerous virus such as Sars-CoV-2.

Infections around the world

In the world there are 33 million respiratory infections in one year affecting children under the age of 5 and 20% linked to the respiratory syncytial virus, with 3 million hospitalizations and about 100 thousand deaths each year, mainly in developing countries. It is an RNA virus which does not give complete immunity and therefore they are possible (and frequent) reinfections (there is no vaccine).

I sintomi

Vrs infection begins as a simple cold, so infants typically have symptoms of an upper respiratory infection for 1 to 3 days: sneezing, coughing, sore throat, fever. From the third to the fifth day, they may begin to experience respiratory distress, therefore increased respiratory rate, movement of widening of the nostrils, skin retractions at the level of the chest during breathing. They often need oxygen. In premature babies, the first symptom may be apnea and then the typical symptoms of a respiratory disease arrive. With difficulty breathing in some cases it is necessary to administer oxygen or even non-invasive ventilation.

October 27, 2021 (change October 27, 2021 | 14:49)

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