The benefits of cycling for the mind and soul – live here

by time news

It’s hard not to see them, lovers of two-wheeled riding. Whether in the gym, in the neighborhood, on the road or in the open, on the mountain trails or at the beach, they are there in all seasons. For several years now, cycling has become a real sporting activity. Its advantages lie in being one of the most enjoyable and effective outdoor activities for developing aerobic fitness, burning fats, maintaining a normal body weight and stability, while enjoying the sights of the road and the camaraderie that accompanies the activity.

the truth? This is not surprising, it has been known for hundreds of years that regular physical activity is one of the pillars of maintaining our physical, cognitive and emotional health. It contributes greatly to strengthening the muscles, the heart and blood vessels, the immune system, the skeletal system, the digestive system and the brain. Physical activity is important for healthy aging, improving metabolic fitness and, in general, for feeling good at any age, with an emphasis on the elderly.

While the benefits of physical activity on our physical health have been examined in depth, its involvement in cognitive processes is beginning to be revealed in recent years thanks to extensive studies devoted to the subject.
Physical activity, memory and cognitive functions.
Aerobic activity as a whole contributes a lot to the normal functioning of the brain, as it helps maintain blood flow and oxygen supply to all body organs and in particular to the brain. Despite its low weight (approximately 2% of our total body weight), it is the largest consumer of energy, about 20% of the total that the body requires. The energy comes through the blood stream which carries the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and a particularly high amount of oxygen.
The blood flow to the brain helps in building processes and creating new connections between nerve cells (synapses). These processes are essential for coding, consolidation and long-term storage of information, starting with learning skills and ending with the creation of new memories.

Dr. Silvia Mendel, “Regular aerobic activity and persistence over time leads to an increase in BDNF levels in the blood” (photo: personal album)

6 key benefits of cycling

Although this is a relatively new field of research, studies support the link between cycling and improving memory and cognitive performance. People who persevere in this sport often find that their learning, thinking and even judgment abilities remain sharp as they grow older. But not only older people benefit from the symbiosis between physical activity and improved brain function. Even young people claim that cycling sharpens their thought processes.

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1. You built brain tissue

The aerobic pedaling action is a type of fertilizer for the brain, stimulating the activity of nerve cells (neurons) as well as thickening of the gray matter in the cerebral cortex as well as the white matter responsible for the connection between the different areas. During physical activity, there is a process of growth of nerve cell extensions (neurons) and increased communication between the different neurons. This retinal weaving optimizes the reception of information through the various senses (such as smell, hearing, sight) and its transfer to different areas of the brain, which process the content for the performance of diverse cognitive functions, for example, planning a task, focusing on a goal and making decisions. This phenomenon is essential for the development of synaptic flexibility and brain and thought flexibility.
Moreover, aerobic activity also preserves the volume of the “hippocampus”, a structure that belongs to the emotional system – the limbic system – which is essential for the creation and retrieval of memories1,2.

2. Improving memory, planning and thinking

Cycling sharpens the mind and stimulates creative and informed thinking. This is according to a controlled clinical study, in which a group of healthy young people were asked to pedal stationary bicycles at a moderate pace for 30 minutes. Before and after the ride the subjects completed a series of cognitive tests. The results of the tests after the ride showed an improved performance in memory tests and the ability to plan and shorten the time required to complete them.
Another study from the University of Geneva in Switzerland found that the higher the pedaling intensity, the higher the score in visual-motor memory tests. The researchers even showed a correlation between cycling and the activation of areas of the brain related to the formation of memories, including the hippocampus and the caudal nucleus 4.

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3. Improving the immune system

Cycling can help improve immune system function. A weak immune system will cause inflammatory conditions that can endanger the integrity of the blood-brain barrier and increase the penetration of bacteria, toxic viruses and free radicals that can attack the nerve cell envelope and damage nerve conduction.
Aerobic activity can even help remove bacteria from the lungs and respiratory tract, which will reduce the chance of catching a cold or the flu.

4. Relief in the level of stress and depression

The government health authority in the USA recommends at least two hours of physical activity per week, as a way to combat stress which in the long run may weaken the immune system and increase the stress hormone cortisol. During a study in which the researchers followed people suffering from depression, it was found that pedaling for 15 minutes on A stationary bicycle resulted in a significant decrease in cortisol levels in the blood5.
In a long-term clinical trial that followed healthy people who did not suffer from depression at the beginning of the study, it was found that among those who reported a low level of physical activity, the risk of depression increased significantly6. The explanations for the contribution of physical activity on the mood and general feeling are many and varied, ranging from the field of positive and social psychology to clinical physiology, (for example the release of endorphins, serotonin and dopamine in the brain that contribute to improving mood and motivation).

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5. Slowing down the aging process and extending life expectancy

Over the years, our body experiences, among other things, the loss of muscle mass and the weakening of blood flow to all organs, including the brain. Therefore, it is very important to stay active. A study that made a comparison between people aged 55-79 who ride the bike, and those who do not ride, found that the muscle mass in the group of riders was better preserved, as well as the levels of fat and cholesterol in their bodies.
According to a human study published by researchers from the University of Southern California, when cycling, a hormone-like peptide – a protein fragment – is secreted called MOTS-c, which is one of several peptides that mimic the health effects of physical activity. When MOTS-c was injected into old mice, The researchers were surprised to find a significant improvement in physical performance, which showed a level of functioning comparable to that of their younger friends.
One of the explanations for the extension of life expectancy in humans following physical activity is that there is a slowdown in the process of shortening the “telomeres” at the end of the chromosomes in the cell nucleus, a phenomenon that accelerates aging and cell death. Therefore, a faithful routine will help maintain their length.

6. Sensory and social experience

No less important is the contribution of cycling to our emotional and social well-being. Whether with friends, your partner or in organized groups, this is real quality time, for spending time and getting to know people with common interests. It is possible that the very metronomic movement – the repetitiveness of the pedaling – or the way in which you sail through uplifting landscapes instill a sense of relaxation that facilitates the attachment of one to the other. The social “clique” that is created reduces feelings of loneliness and raises the mood.

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Practicing any kind of sport keeps us young, at least that’s how we feel. Although this article deals with the benefits of riding on our physical and mental health, it is important to emphasize that each type of aerobic activity has its relative advantage. Therefore, it is advisable to diversify and not stick to just one type, since not all forms of memory use the same mechanisms and pathways in the brain. Physical activity at different intensities can be beneficial for various memory-related functions, such as the ability to remember what was written on a list for a writer or learning to activate a new application.

It is true that not everyone is a sports fan, but when it comes to the brain, persistence in moderate physical activity is just as valuable. Therefore, do not give up sports and walking, for those of you who spend long hours in the office, do yourself a little rest and go for a 15-20 minute walk at medium-high intensity – it will work wonders. Your body and brain will thank you and you will gain a few more years, along with a higher quality of life, preservation of cognitive abilities and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

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I am Dr. Sylvia Mandel, a neuroscientist, a lecturer on the preservation of memory and cognition with the help of a healthy lifestyle. I have been involved in the research of degenerative brain diseases and drug development at the Technion and Teva for over 20 years. Today, I manage projects at the Institute for Brain and Emotion Research at the University of Haifa, Visiting lecturer at the Technion and consultant to Altman Health in the field of cognition.
Dr. Silvia Mendel – neuroscientist, scientific consultant and lecturer

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