Anti-Covid vaccines: a German study reports worrying effects on the blood

by time news

« Covid-19 vaccination programs must stop immediately “. This is the end of a German report on the harmful effects of anti-Covid vaccines, made public on July 6 without any media mainstream don’t mention it.

The document is available in French (put online by the Profession Gendarme website) and in German.

What is it about ?

The summary is made up of 70 pages (about ten pages intended for the general public and 60 pages of technical documentation with pictures, graphics, etc.) and constitutes the preliminary version of a presentation “ in continuous evolution » which contains research and conclusions concerning vaccines, their impact on the human body, and above all, on the blood. The report is published under the responsibility of physicist and astronomer Dr Klaus Retzlaff, in Hecklingen, who has access to laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment. Dr. Retzlaff collaborates with the authors of the report, an interdisciplinary group of around 60 specialists, gathered around the 1901 type association Aerzte fuer Aufklaerung (ÄfA, Doctors for Elucidation).

The group is made up of doctors, chemists, microbiologists, pharmacologists, advised by lawyers and mathematicians. However, with the exception of Dr. Retzlaff and ÄfA officials, the authors have chosen anonymity to protect against retaliation. In 2021, Dr. Stefan Hockertz, one of Europe’s most renowned vaccinologists and one of the first to alert the public to the side effects of vaccination, was forced to take refuge in Switzerland after raids by police in his home, and the freezing of all his assets in Germany.

Read also: Vaccines: “8 out of 1,000 vaccinated suffer from serious side effects”, according to a German study

The analyzes mentioned in the report concern the blood of 48 vaccinated people, and an equivalent group of non-vaccinated people, as well as the contents of the vials of injections from the following manufacturers: AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Lubecavax, Influspit Tera (the latter, for comparison with influenza vaccines). Different laboratory techniques were applied to the content: scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma analysis, brightfield and darkfield microscopy , diagnosis on images of a drop of blood from a living person, as well as the analysis of images by artificial intelligence (AI).

Unwanted metallic elements

To the surprise of the scientists, the presence of the following metallic elements (particle size: from 1 µm to 100 µm) was detected in the doses of AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna:

– alkaline metals: cesium (Cs), potassium (K),
– alkaline earth metals: calcium (Ca), barium (Ba),
– transition metals: cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti),
– rare earth metals: cerium (Ce), gadolinium (Gd),
– Groupe boron : aluminium (Al),
– Carbon group: silicon (Si) (partly support material / transparent),
– Oxygen group: sulfur (S)

In the vials and in the blood of the vaccinated, the scientists observed objects of ” inadmissible dimensions according to good industrial practice » (good manufacturing practice or GMP), that is to say beyond 0.22 μm.

Long term side effects

The group indicates that it has taken the precaution of comparing its conclusions with those of several international groups carrying out the same research; all the results being concordant, the German group considers its own results as valid. Thus, scientists deplore the inaction of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, an agency charged by the German Ministry of Health with controlling vaccines.

Read also: Side effects of vaccines: a German insurer pulverizes official reports

In three points, the researchers present their conclusions:

1. In all samples of vaccine doses, without exception, components were found which:

« – are toxic according to medical recommendations, in the quantities present,
« – had not been declared by the manufacturers,
« – are mostly metallic,
« – are visible under darkfield microscopy as complex and distinctive structures […]
« – are only partly explainable as resulting from crystallization or decomposition,
« – cannot be explained as contamination resulting from the manufacturing process. »

2. When blood samples from both groups (vaccinated/non-vaccinated) are observed under a dark field microscope, remarkable changes appear in the blood of the vaccinated, without exception, and even in the absence of symptoms or negative reactions. Complex structures resembling those found in vaccine vials have been observed in the blood of vaccinees. Artificial intelligence analyzes confirm the scientists’ observations, and these differences between the blood of the two groups ” indicates that these vaccines can cause long-term changes in the composition of the blood of the vaccinated, without them being aware of the changes. »

3. The more stable the envelope of the nanolipid particles, the greater the amount of mRNA to enter the cells, where the Spike protein will be produced. As a result, side effects are more frequent. These results correspond to those of autopsies carried out by forensic pathologists.

Read also: The safety of mRNA vaccines called into question

The group observed crystal formations in the blood of all vaccinees observed; in all the cases examined, the erythrocytes (red blood cells) presented the so-called in rolls “. Moreover, the disintegration of different cell types was faster in the vaccinated than in the control group, raising the hypothesis of possible arteriosclerosis, autoimmune and/or inflammatory diseases.

“We must generalize the understanding of the dangers of anti-Covid vaccines”

In conclusion, the German authors give the reasons for which they engaged in this research:

“We have come together with all our skills and technical expertise, to help elucidate what we consider to be the greatest pharmacological experimentation ever conducted on the human race. Never in all of scientific or medical history have we dared to subject an entire population to medical – and genetic – experimentation. If someone had proposed to do so on any other species, the proposal would no doubt have been rejected on the grounds that it violated the principle of conservation of the species. […] The fact that the experiment continues without the slightest sign that we want to stop it, the fact that the number of side effects and accidents caused by these so-called vaccines is unprecedented, the fact that national statistics around the world reveal a clear excess mortality following the respective vaccine programs, the fact that no public prosecutor intervened, despite the obvious deadly consequences of the programs, the fact that all those who criticized the vaccine program were publicly slandered , ostracized and financially ruined, fills us with horror… This is why, contrary to usual practices in scientific matters, we have decided to protect ourselves anonymously. »

They assure that their results should be known to all:

“While much remains to be discovered, what we have already observed is of such importance that the public, and the scientific community in particular, should be aware of it. We must generalize the understanding of the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines and conduct research to try to prevent, or at least mitigate, the most dangerous consequences for human health. […] In fact, in light of the risks already known, vaccination programs should have stopped a long time ago. To achieve this goal, our conclusions must find a very wide echo in the mass media”.

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