circumcision in Kippur asked the rabbi

by time news

a question


My wife was scheduled for a caesarean section on 9/28 with God’s help.

Although we tried to postpone the date, there are no available dates at all at the hospital.

The word covenant comes out on Yom Kippur with God’s help.

My question is, do you keep the covenant on Yom Kippur or do you postpone it?

Thank you


Hello and best wishes for a healthy and easy birth if possible.

On Yom Kippur circumcision is performed, but not for those born by caesarean section.

Circumcision for those born by caesarean section does not postpone Shabbat or Yom Tov, therefore it is performed the next day, in your case on Thursday 11 Tishrei

Happy New Year, David Levy


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