On newsstands with the «Corriere» the stories about the flight by Daniele Del Giudice- time.news

by time news

One year after the writer’s death, an entirely new edition of “Staccando l’ombra da terra” (1994) is published with the newspaper on Wednesday 31 August, with unpublished contributions by Ernesto Franco, Massimo Cacciari and Roberto Ferrucci

A year ago, on September 2, 2021, the writer left at the age of 72 Daniele Del Giudice (1949-2021). Turned off in his Venice by an early Alzheimer’s disease just on the eve of the awarding of the Campiello Lifetime Achievement Award, which was awarded to him in memory two days later.

To remember the author one year after his death, the “Corriere della Sera” – with whom he collaborated from 1988 to 1994 – now presents an entirely new edition, enriched by unpublished contributions and insightsof his Removing the shadow from the ground from 1994. The book is on newsstands with the “Corriere” starting from Wednesday 31 August, at 9.90 euros in addition to the price of the newspaper. The volume (208 pages) is published by Corriere della Sera in collaboration with the Einaudi publishing house with which the writer has always published.

Del Giudice’s volume is composed of a series of stories focused on the theme of flight: the writer was also an avid driver. The idea in nuce was contained in a 1991 report for the “Corriere” (Double take-off at dawnthen last chapter of the book), the story of his flight at the controls of a tourist plane, in the company of the instructor Bruno, on the trail of the last fatal air mission (31 July 1944, at war, between Corsica and Marseille) of another pilot-writer: Antoine de Saint-Exupérythe father of the Little Prince.

This new edition of the volume contains the contributions of Ernesto Franco (The very modern book on the editorial novelty represented in 1994 by that text), by Massimo Cacciari (The flight that never endson the writer’s relationship with flight as a key to reading the world), the biographical profile of Del Giudice traced by Roberto Ferrucci (A shy writer). In addition to the texts from the «Corriere» archive signed by Cesare Segre (The grammar of heavenreviewed in the 1994 volume) and by Claudio Magris (That day I suddenly felt a creak, written intervention on the occasion of the death of Del Giudice). The afterword is the memory of Antonio Troiano on the publication of the report of 18 August 1991 in the «Corriere».

In the volume also the index of all the articles by Del Giudice for the “Corriere”including the 6-part reportage in Antarctica from 1990 and the 1991 article on the trail of the last flight of Saint-Exupéry.

The photo

The black and white portrait of Daniele Del Giudice was taken in 1991 by photographer Anthony Marasco, part of a reportage on a Venice-Trieste flight with the writer at the controls. The other photos of that day, together with the story of that flight between friends written by Roberto Ferrucci, were published in «la Lettura» # 560 of 21 August (the archive is available in the App
of the supplement).

August 30, 2022 (change August 30, 2022 | 21:49)

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