The vaccination offer maintained for “several months”

by time news

Vaccination against monkeypox will be maintained in France for several more months, in 2022 and probably early 2023, the Ministry of Health said on Tuesday, welcoming a mobilization which “is starting to bear fruit”.

“Global prevention allows for the first time a drop in incidence”, rejoiced during a press briefing Professor Jérôme Salomon, Director General of Health.

WHO encouraging

His remarks echoed those of the World Health Organization, which shortly before considered “encouraging” the signs of a slowdown in the epidemic of monkeypox in Europe.

If scientific modeling points in the direction of a continued reduction in the number of new cases, we “must do everything to further reduce the impact of the epidemic”, however recommended Professor Salomon.

In France, the latest report shows 3,547 confirmed cases. In number of cases, the country ranks fourth in Europe, but it ranks seventh if we relate these cases to the population, detailed Laëtitia Huiart, Scientific Director of Public Health France. Some 1% of sick people had to be hospitalized, a “stable” figure.

Nearly 70,000 doses in France

In France, 220 vaccination centers have managed to administer 70,000 doses of vaccine to date. “By the end of the week, we will have exceeded 140,000 doses delivered to the field,” detailed Jérôme Salomon.

The trial of vaccination in five pharmacies in three regions, launched in early August, is “positive” but there remain “organizational and logistical difficulties, with issues of cold, conservation” of vaccine doses, he said. it also indicated.

If we can “advocate a pragmatic enlargement” of the initiative according to needs, it is not intended to be generalized.

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