The commission of inquiry into the Miron disaster: warning letters to Netanyahu, Ohana and Shabtai

by time news
andThe State Investigation Committee for the investigation of the Miron disaster announced at noon (Tuesday) that she sent warning messages to some of the witnesses who appeared before her. Among those warned: Benjamin Netanyahu, who served as prime minister; Amir Ohana, who served as Minister of Internal Security; Ya’akov Shabtai, Commissioner of the Police; and Shimon Lavi, who was the Commander of the Northern District of the Police. More details and the names of those who are being warned immediately.

As for Netanyahu, it is written that he “who served as prime minister for more than 12 years, knew – or should have known – that the site of the Rashbi’s tomb in Miron has been poorly maintained for years, which could create a risk for the many participants in the revelry that takes place every year in Lag B’Omer Netanyahu did not act as expected from the head of the government to correct this state of affairs, even though the issue was the focus of serious reports by the State Comptroller, that the issue involves several government ministries and that it was brought to the government’s table on several occasions in different years. Netanyahu did not ensure effective monitoring of the government’s handling of the matter, even after Discussion of a government decision in 2016 made it clear that previous government decisions on the subject were not implemented.”

It was written about Ohana that he did not act as expected from the Minister of Internal Security when he formed his opinion regarding the holding of the revelry without an audience limit, and gave it a public expression, without this being examined in an orderly staff work regarding the complex of meanings – including an examination of various alternatives regarding the manner of holding the revelry. “Subsequently, when he had information in front of him regarding the expected dangers, and in particular the dangers arising from the expected overcrowding at the site, he did not act as expected of his position with regard to this information. Ohana did not give due weight to the severity of the dangers, did not ask enough questions and did not ask to re-examine the decision not to limit the crowd. Based on this decision, he did not ask the police to examine and present to him other methods of action to reduce the dangers.”

The meaning of the warning message is that the committee’s findings may have negative consequences for the witness. Therefore, he will receive the evidence and will be able to appear again before the committee – himself or through his lawyer – and make his statements and question witnesses. In addition, the committee may allow him to bring evidence.

The members of the committee clarified that by sending the warning letters, “we sought to express our perception that senior public office holders, who are granted extensive and significant powers, are required to bear responsibility accordingly. In addition, with regard to issues in senior public positions, we saw great importance in clarifying the norms of behavior expected of them, Each according to his role and according to the matter. This is in order for these norms to be in front of the eyes of the whole subject in a public position. Along with this, we believed that it is right that we also deal with other factors, which apparently had serious failures in their functioning and which have a direct bearing on the incident.”

“For the same reasons of efficiency and focus mainly, we decided to send warning messages only to those who served in a relevant position at the time of the disaster,” they added. “We will make it clear in this context that, although we have repeatedly identified continuous failures, we have not found in this a reason that justifies reducing the share and responsibility of those who served in a relevant position at the time of the disaster.”

The members of the committee clarified that “it does not mean that the person who was not sent a warning notice by the committee is not responsible,” and clarified that there are criminal investigations that were conducted in the police and the MoH and were suspended as a result of the committee’s work. “Other bodies, such as the disciplinary division of the Israel Police, disciplinary bodies Others or bodies that regulate professional branches, are authorized to examine the case of various involved parties,” it was stated. “There is nothing in the committee’s work to prevent the relevant bodies from acting, each according to their authority and discretion.”

1 Viewing the gallery

The disaster at Mount Miron

The disaster at Mount Meron

(Gil Nehushtan)

The committee also clarified that the warning notices do not exhaust all the topics that will appear in the final report it will issue. “Systemic and general aspects related to the issues examined, which are not attributed to a specific person, will be discussed as part of the final report,” it was stated.

Sub-Superintendent Maurice Chen, who served as the head of the security division in the police at the time of the disaster, and is currently the deputy commander of Shi District, also received a warning letter. He claimed that he waited with his resignation in light of the “urgent and significant challenges” facing the district, and noted that “I never hid behind anyone, not even behind the partners in responsibility” – alluding to the Commissioner’s attempts to place all responsibility on him.

We will recall that senior police officers who watched broadcasts from the investigative committee anonymously sent documents and materials to the members of the committee last year, and claimed, among other things, that “for an unclear, even puzzling reason, there was no close escort of the security and licensing division for the operation, and they were content with professional advice at the field level” – contrary to years Previous ones. The officers recommended to the committee to check why, in the year of the disaster, the security and licensing division of the Chen Temple was not closely involved in the preparations.

In practice, the committee’s recommendations will not bind the government in office when they are published. However, as of today, no government has ignored the recommendations of a state commission of inquiry, even if the recommendations have not always been fully implemented.

The disaster at the revelry of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in Miron, on the night of the 3rd of the Omer last year, was the largest civil disaster in the history of the country. 45 people who participated in the revelry were crushed to death due to a stampede in the crowd of revelers on the mountain, and more than 100 were injured. During Naftali Bennett’s tenure as prime minister, the government announced Israel for the establishment of the State Commission of Inquiry to investigate the disaster headed by the retired President of the Supreme Court Miriam Naor, who passed away last January. In her place, the retired President of the Tel Aviv District Court, Deborah Berliner, was appointed as the Chairman of the Commission.

Past and present office bearers, experts and professionals, eyewitnesses, victims and family members of the deceased appeared before the committee. Last November, the committee submitted its interim recommendations which included, among other things, limiting the audience; One central lighting in a short ceremony; and appointing a responsible minister for the event. The government adopted the interim recommendations in full.

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