From the ‘Soft Power Club’ in Venice the appeals on energy and climate

by time news

“We are launching an appeal: do not abandon commitments to reduce emissions. Each of us will work to help build sustainable development, explaining that the ecological transition can create many new jobs in our societies”. They opened with an appeal from its president, Francesco Rutellithe works of the third edition of the ‘Soft Power Conference’ at the headquarters of Cini Foundation on the island of San Giorgio in Venice.

“Il Soft Power Club has brought together personalities from the five continents, from the Italian government and from the European institutions here in Venice – underlined Rutelli – We do it at a time when there is an ongoing war, an energy crisis that affects everyone’s life, families and businesses. We do it at the end of a disruptive summer from a climatic point of view, knowing that all these issues are interconnected and cannot be addressed separately “.

For Rutelli, “the Ukrainian crisis itself demonstrates the need for credible multilateralism: if it is true thathard powermilitary and economic power, seems to dominate geopolitics, it is equally true that there can be no peace or ecological transition shared and supported by the populations without soft powerthe power of dialogue and persuasion “.

“The appeal of being able to access our single market is a strong incentive for governments to introduce stricter climate policies and for manufacturers to switch to less polluting processes.” This is what he underlines Paolo GentiloniEU Commissioner for the Economy, speaking at the Soft Power Conference organized in Venice by the Soft Power Club chaired by Francesco Rutelli.

“This is fundamental to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement – warns Gentiloni – Because Europe may have all the ambitions in the world, but it represents only a fraction of global emissions. Therefore, only with a similar commitment on the part of our partners we can make a difference in the fight against climate change. “

Over the next few months, says Gentiloni, “our ability to react in the economic and social fields will be tested. But I am confident that the EU can navigate these troubled waters if we continue to show leadership. Three words in particular must define our policies: solidarity, sustainability and security. If we succeed, we will also have further elevated our position abroad and consequently our soft power “, concludes the EU Commissioner.

On energy, Gentiloni points the way: “Instead of backing down on our ambitious ‘Fit for 55’ strategy, we are doubling our energy efficiency and renewable energy targets. At the same time, we need to be aware of how the increase in energy prices are particularly affecting the most vulnerable groups and provide targeted and effective support to mitigate these effects. “

“Using energy as a weapon by Russia has led to skyrocketing energy prices; about half of the EU member states have been hit by a cut in supplies and the European Union is preparing actively to the possibility of further or total interruptions – Gentiloni recalls – But even in this crisis, an opportunity lurks: in this case, the opportunity is for the EU to reduce its dependence on Russian fossil fuels and accelerate the green transition. To do this, we need to increase energy savings, diversify supplies and accelerate the adoption of renewable energies. “

For Gentiloni, “the arguments in favor of a rapid transition to clean energy have never been so strong and clear. The EU is already a world leader in this sense and by setting the bar higher, we are pushing the other countries of the world to increase their ambitions. Take for example our proposal for a carbon emissions adjustment mechanism at the borders, the CBAM, designed to stimulate international cooperation. This is an example of how the EU can exercise its soft power “.

“Energy security is now at the top of our priorities: the energy crisis must not change the short and medium-term objectives of the transition, it must not slow it down or discourage it”, underlines the Minister of Economy. Daniele Francospeaking at the ‘Soft Power Conference’ organized in Venice by the Soft Power Club chaired by Francesco Rutelli.

“History shows that the transition from one main energy source to another is a long and expensive process, in order to switch to renewable resources and greater efficiency – Franco observes – The costs of the transition are both financial and environmental and are interconnected”. For this reason, “we need a broad strategy that does not only concern the environment but also the other challenges we face such as demographic ones and those related to the sustainability of pensions, health care and finance”.

The Minister of Economy affirms that “sustainability is a concept that is extending and it is necessary to look to the future according to this perspective, no longer limited to the concept of public debt, but extending it to the social security system, demography, environmental protection . In this sense, sustainability has also become an ethical issue to safeguard future generations: there is also an ecological ‘debt’ and the cost of inertia can prove to be enormous “.

(of the envoy Enzo Bonaiuto)

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