“I found myself drowned in the deep end”… Contract teachers tell their beginnings

by time news

This fall, we only talk about them. The 3,000 new contract workers recruited by National Education to make up for the lack of tenured teachers. Because this year, more than 4,000 positions have not been filled in the teaching competitions. And Pap Ndiaye has repeatedly recalled that the percentage of contract teachers was now 1% in primary education and 8% in secondary education.

An important recourse which is criticized by the teachers’ unions: these contract workers are less qualified, less well paid and very little trained before being in front of a class. A few days are planned for them to discover the basics of the profession before D-Day. “It is illusory to think that one can become a teacher in a few days. Teaching cannot be improvised,” argues Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of the SNES-FSU.

Insufficient training also for Victoire, a contract worker for six years in French and English, who responded to our call for witnesses: “Class management, differentiation, authority are subjects that we should address within the training. We are asked to manage classes of 35 with special attention to students in difficulty. It’s an impossible mission with such busy classes. »

“At the moment, I still don’t know where I will be stationed”

Some, like Alexis, a contract worker for two years, even had to jump into the bath without training: “Last year, I did 6 months of replacement. No training, I had to prepare my first lessons in 2 weeks during the Christmas period. Then, I prepared my lessons almost day by day for the first few months, with a workload of at least 50 hours per week. Ditto for Fleur, professor of economics and management: “I was propelled into class without training or tools. So I attended classes with my tenured colleagues and squatted the teachers’ room a lot when I had a hole in my schedule. »

A situation that the Minister of Education put into perspective on Tuesday on RTL, recalling that “the vast majority of contract teachers have already taught last year: more than 80% of them”. And to promise a better follow-up: “We extend these days by training throughout the year and by tutoring”.


If contract workers generally rely on the summer to prepare and work on their first lessons, this is not always possible, as Pascal testifies: “As every year, I don’t yet know where I will be giving lessons next week. I will receive a message on the second or third day of school, asking me if I want to go here or there. It is only afterwards that I will learn that the classes offered to me are of such and such a level. It does not facilitate the preparations! “.

Thaïs, a contract professor of modern literature for almost six years, knows this uncertainty in August: “At the moment, I still don’t know where I’m going to be. Like every year, I will surely not be called before mid-September or at the end of the month. In general, the first positions I am offered are very different from the wishes I expressed in April. Last year, I was offered two positions in Noirmoutier while I was living in Les Sables d’Olonne. For the first time I dared to say no to the rectorate and they found me a position in a college near my home”. Sophia is also expectant: “I always prepare myself as much as possible before the start of the school year, but for this start of the school year, I know that I am renewed, without knowing where, when we are two days away from the start of the school year. »

“I was able to count on my colleagues to accompany me”

This difficulty in anticipating and properly preparing the first teaching sequences makes mutual assistance even more necessary. And quite often, the incumbents come to the rescue. This was the case for Fabien, a contract worker for five years: “The teacher I was replacing entrusted me with his lessons, his notes, his opinions on the students. And my colleagues from SVT also accompanied me, provided me with lessons when I needed them. For pedagogy, I had to learn on the job, but it always went quite well for me, despite the students not always being easy to manage. ” Fanny, a contract teacher of economics and management in a vocational school, was also lucky to be supported: “I was lucky enough to spend a year and a half in a school with a great team who guided me in this new job. »

But according to Victoire, mutual aid is far from being systematic and varies from one institution to another: “In six years, I have met 3-4 colleagues who were willing to share their educational progress with me. They take a long time to prepare them during the summer and it’s very rare that someone generously shares their work. Finally, most of the time, I could only rely on myself. Thaïs is of the same opinion: “The holders are often overwhelmed and despite their offer of help, you have to manage to fend for yourself,” she believes.

“The first year was very difficult for me”

No wonder, in these circumstances, the beginnings of many contract workers are difficult. As Joanna confides: “My first year was very difficult. As much for class management as for the preparation of my lesson sequences”. Lilou still remembers with stress the start of the 2021 school year, when she started as a contract worker in a vocational high school: “I found myself drowning in the deep end facing students with great academic difficulties, with students with more or less heavy disabilities. . “Victoire, she describes her first year as” horrible “: “I received the manuals the day before, I didn’t know anything, I didn’t know how to make progress, what was the program! “.

For those who have managed to pass the course of the first experience in National Education, the re-entries after generally go much better. Benjamin, launched a few years ago, confides his desire to find the students: “The start of the new school year is always a source of stress, but also of excitement. I will teach in 5th, Second, 1st and Terminale. My classes are ready. The same impatience with Fanny: “I’m coming to a new high school, I’m going to have other professional sections. I see this as a new challenge to take on and I look forward to meeting the new students. I’m a little stressed by the unknown… But I have confidence in myself and my previous experience confirmed me in this professional choice. »

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