Fuel discount, meal vouchers, social minima… what changes on September 1st

by time news

Like every 1st of the month, several changes are looming and will come into effect on Thursday. The fuel discount which increases to 30 cents, the payment of the exceptional solidarity bonus of 100 euros or the revaluation of certain social minima should make it possible to relieve the wallets of the French in this period of high inflation. Le Parisien takes stock of what is changing on September 1.

Fuel discount increases to 30 cents

To continue to immediately relieve the portfolio of the French, the government is increasing the fuel discount to 30 cents per liter until October 31, against 18 cents so far. This boost, implemented on April 1 in the face of soaring prices in petrol stations, will then drop to 10 euro cents per liter of fuel in November and December. This government aid can be combined with the discount of 20 then 10 euro cents offered by TotalEnergies from this Thursday.

On the vehicle-related expenses front, parking becomes chargeable for thermal two-wheelers in Paris with exceptions for the disabled and for carers at home. For the town hall of Paris, “it is a measure of fairness” vis-à-vis motorists.

Payment of the “back-to-school bonus” and revaluation of allowances

In mid-September, 10.8 million low-income households will automatically benefit from this bonus, which reaches 100 euros. It will be increased by 50 euros for each dependent child. Voted within the framework of the purchasing power law, this “exceptional solidarity aid” will be paid to beneficiaries of social minima and to scholarship students as well as to those who receive APL (personalized housing assistance). The most precarious students will also be able to continue to benefit from the meal at 1 euro throughout the 2022-2023 academic year.

Housing aid, received by 6.5 million people, will also be increased by 3.5% to compensate for the increase in rents. A catch-up payment is planned between August 18 and September 5, before a payment of the updated aid on September 5. At the same time, social minima and pensions will be revalued up to 4% with retroactive effect until July 1, as announced by the government, in an attempt to compensate for galloping inflation.

More flexibility for meal vouchers

The use of restaurant vouchers will be relaxed to allow the purchase of all food products, even if they are not directly consumable. This extension to certain unprocessed products such as eggs, fish and meat or even a package of pasta is currently scheduled to last until December 31, 2023.

And it was a promise from Bruno Le Maire. The daily payment ceiling should increase from 19 to 25 euros in September and no later than October 1, 2022. This ceiling had already been increased during the Covid pandemic to reach 38 euros.

Changing your borrower insurance will be easier

As of September 1, the termination of borrower insurance will be open to everyone. For contracts taken out before June 1, this was previously only possible in the first year or on each anniversary date. This measure of the Lemoine law aims to offer “fairer, simpler and more and more transparent access” to this insurance very often required to obtain a mortgage. To cancel, however, you must find a contract offering at least equivalent guarantees.

The medical questionnaire is also removed for home loans of less than 200,000 euros per person whose term occurs before the borrower is 60 years old. Thanks to the reduction of the “right to be forgotten” period, former cancer patients in particular will no longer have to declare their disease after five years of recovery compared to ten previously. Borrower insurance protects the subscriber(s) of a mortgage, as well as the lending bank, by guaranteeing reimbursement in certain cases such as disability or death.

The “Oui Pub” device against the waste of experienced paper

The “Oui Pub” system will be tested in the first eleven municipalities, such as Bordeaux, or communities of municipalities such as Grenoble-Alpes-Métropole, in order to limit the waste of paper due to advertising leaflets.

The distribution of unaddressed advertising material will be prohibited from September 1, 2022 for 31 months, unless a “Oui Pub” sticker is visible on the mailbox. This experiment is the result of the Climate and Resilience law of 2021, which partially takes up a proposal from the Citizens’ Climate Convention which wanted to completely ban this type of advertising.

End of anonymity for gamete donors

Children born from a sperm or oocyte donation in France will be able to know more easily, in adulthood, the identity of “their” donor. To facilitate “access to personal origins”, from September 1, donors will have to consent to their identity being, in the future, communicated to adult children who so wish.

Those who donated before this date will be able to provide this information retroactively if they wish, but will not be subject to any obligation. However, a commission will be set up to help today’s adults who are looking for their parents. Without guarantee of success, because the donor, if found, may oppose the disclosure of his identity.

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