Morgan-Mae Bibo writes novel about psychological problems in young people

by time news

The number of young people up to the age of 30 who died by suicide was 15 percent higher in the past year than in previous years. The number of suicides has increased, especially among young people between the ages of 20 and 30, according to figures from the Current Dutch Suicide Registration Committee (CANS). The book will be launched on Tuesday September 6, on the eve of World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10) at Griftland College in Soest, where the author attended school and where the story of ‘Foggy’ Start. As a result of her book, Bibo will discuss mental problems and suicidality with students all over the country.

suicide attempt

In ‘Foggy’ by Morgan-Mae Bibo, the reader is sucked into the rollercoaster in which the main character finds herself when she has to pick up her life after a suicide attempt. When Kim wakes up with an IV in both arms and her hands and feet tied to a bed, it takes a moment to realize she’s in a hospital’s medical-psychiatric ward. After a stay of a day and a half, she is fired and steps back into the world. When she sees a psychologist for therapy and comes into contact with kindred spirit Tobias, the tide seems to turn for the better. But then disaster strikes again. ‘Foggy’ is a page turner about despair and the courage to keep going.

Psychological Vulnerabilities

Morgan-Mae Bibo was born in Soest and moved to Leeuwarden for her studies. She fails to build a social network in her new hometown and at one point lives in complete isolation. The social pressure to lead ‘a perfect life’ is increasing and she suffers from depressive complaints, anxiety disorders and extreme fear of failure. Despite this, she manages to obtain her diploma in 2021, but her goal has been achieved and her structure is lost. She no longer feels the need to take good care of herself and old habits and mental problems are bubbling up again. She wrote about her psychological vulnerabilities and their consequences ‘Foggy’.

Start a conversation

Morgan-Mae is happy to discuss mental health and suicidality among young people with you. Floortje Scheepers, psychiatrist and professor of innovation in mental health care, is happy to join in. Scheepers has a wealth of experience with and knowledge of this target group and has therefore been asked to read and reflect on Morgan-Mae’s manuscript. She says about it: “It is an important book because it is accessible to the target group 15-24 year olds, a group that is normally difficult to reach.” Scheepers argues that we as a society should focus on preventing mental disruption and that starts with a conversation about looking for shades of gray, nuances and the art of failure. “Success creates knowledge, failure creates wisdom”, says Floortje Scheepers.

With her debut, writer and experience expert Morgan-Mae Bibo wants to open up the conversation about mental health and suicidality. The launch is also the kick-off of a campaign in which the book will reach all approximately 150 library organizations, so that it becomes accessible to the normally hard-to-reach target group (15-24 year olds). In addition, Morgan-Mae will give lectures at schools, walk-in centers and treatment centers to literally enter into conversation with the young people (but also with their loved ones, teachers and practitioners).

By: National Education Guide
Image: Strong through Work

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