this question which torments a large number of gamete and embryo donors

by time news
Some take a dim view of these new rules on access to origins. 314644200/Jean-Paul Bounine –

TESTIMONIALS – The announcements about the change of anonymity regime have aroused misunderstanding and skepticism among donors.

Mario is aware of being “the missing piece” of a puzzle. He is not a father, but children have inherited his genes. And, one day, they might demand to know his identity. Aged 42, this Frenchman of Italian origin donated his sperm last March and April in a Cecos. A“solidarity act” he summarizes, carried out in the last months of the regime of the anonymity of the gift.“I never imagined myself doing this in my life. But my wife suffers from infertility and I was made aware of the lack of donors”

he says.The change in the law on the anonymity of donation, on 1 is September, don’t scare him.“It was necessary he judges. I do not believe in a confusion with filiation, which is legal, societal and affective, but not genetic. Otherwise adoption will not be possible.It seems unlikely to him that these children who are born after an often difficult PMA course, children “ long desired and much loved,” are looking for

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