Usa, “political” investigation of events on Capitol Hill on Trump’s dreams

by time news

As the pandemic slows down in the United States, albeit not yet at a safe pace, Joe Biden’s popularity drops fairly quickly. The “flight” from Afghanistan seemed something difficult for many Americans to digest.

Flanked by a vice-president like Kamala Harris who, until now, has disappointed his many expectations, the Democrat is awaiting next year’s mid-term elections with great concern. The litmus test of how he will be liked in the country will be the next elections for the governorate in Virginia.

In any case, on the other side, the Republican one, Donald Trump always remains the only fierce opponent. So determined to get back in the running that he even created his own social channel, called “Truth Social” and born, as stated by the tycoon, “to fight the tyranny of Big Tech”.

Trump e l’assalto a Capitol Hill

A serious race, that of Donald, towards a new game for the next elections. But for him, on the road to this race, there are still a couple of major obstacles: on the one hand the tax problems of the New York Prosecutor’s Office and on the other the “pseudo responsibility” of the attack on January 6 on the Capitol Hill, the United States Capitol.

Already the first possible legal proceedings could create big problems for the former president but the second obstacle could really be the sword of Damocles waved by the dem at the “right moment”.

Until now, the FBI has found no evidence that the January 6 assault was part of an organized plot to overturn the election results, nor that former President Donald Trump or the people directly around him were involved. organization of violence.

In any case, there have been nearly 600 arrests and 40 of these have been charged with conspiracy. However, it has appeared to many Justice Department officials that prosecutors do not want to rage more than they should by making heavy accusations of seditious conspiracy or racketeering. But while the judges don’t seem to want to go to the bottom, the House of Representatives has accused Trump of “inciting insurgency” after spending weeks promoting conspiracy theories on election results. of 2020

Trump e l’assalto a Capitol Hill

Bennie Thompson, chairman of the House Select Committee investigating the attack on the Capitol, is preparing an expanded investigation into Donald Trump that will examine whether the former president even helped plan or knew in advance the insurgency. And this is nothing more than a clear signal that politics, the dem in particular, does not want to let that dramatic moment fall into the vote at all and perhaps use it at the “most appropriate” moment.

“Our constitution provides for a peaceful transfer of power and this investigation seeks to assess the threats to that process to identify lessons learned,” Thompson said on several occasions.

The investigations are continuing in great silence but certainly represent a politically complicated and potentially dangerous turning point for the former president.

CNN even indicated that the Committee intends to order a group of telecommunications companies to keep phone records of House Republicans suspected of playing a role in “Stop the Steal” rallies and marches before the insurgency.

Infuriated by the turn of events, Trump has threatened to file appeals in court but it is almost certain that the House Select Committee will carry on the investigation for several months. For many political observers the intention is clear: to keep the former president on the “grill” with the hypothesis that, a negative result for him, could come out at the right time. And this is what the old republican lion would like, at all costs, to avoid.

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