Froggy – relationships and love – no secrets: “All my girlfriends already have a boyfriend”

by time news

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15 year old asks: I’m in a relationship, we haven’t slept yet but we’ve done all kinds of things. Neither of us has any sexual experience, except that someone came down on me once. My friend is afraid to do anything sexual after she heard about the papilloma virus, until she gets vaccinated. I am vaccinated, is there a reason for her concern?

The counselor’s answer: “Hello, the papilloma virus is transmitted through vaginal, oral or anal sexual contact, and even if a condom is used, therefore the vaccine is the best protection against it. In the case of infection, in most cases the virus will pass by itself, but in a certain percentage of cases it can lead to the disease. There are strains that may cause the appearance of warts in the organs through which the infection was carried out, and there are strains that may cause the development of cancer a few years later. It’s good that your partner takes care of herself and behaves responsibly, and so did you when you were vaccinated. After she is vaccinated, the protection against the papilloma virus will be higher, at least from the severe strains of the disease. The recommendation Our advice before you have sex is to perform tests for sexually transmitted diseases and thus rule out the possibility that one of you will be infected. You can perform the tests through the health insurance fund, through the Levinsky Clinic in Tel Aviv, through the Prize Clinic in Haifa, and more. After that you can enjoy sexual contact without fear of infection, as long as you have no other partners. One of the most important things in a relationship in general and sexual relations in particular is communication, so I suggest you talk about the fear of it together. Sex is a fun place for both partners, and it’s important to respect each other, as it sounds like you already do.”

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A 12-year-old asks: “Hello, I haven’t gotten my period yet. How do I know when I’m going to get one? And another question, does it hurt as much as they say?”

The counselor’s answer: “Hello, the questions that preoccupy you are questions that arise among many girls and teenagers. The age of 12 is really an age when physical changes in the body, emotional and social changes begin. There are some whose changes begin later, even up to the age of 16. To each and every one of them their own pace. You You’re still young, and it’s normal that you haven’t gotten your first period yet. It’s impossible to know in advance exactly when you’ll get it, it could be soon or it could take a few more years. Do you see other signs of development in your body such as breast growth, pubic hair in the pot or hair in the armpit ? These can indicate that you are starting your physical development. In addition, if you have the opportunity to check with your mother when she got her period for the first time, this can also indicate when approximately it will occur for you. If by the age of 16 you still haven’t gotten your period, you should seek counseling Medical. Some women experience more pain when they get their period, and some have less. It is not possible to know in advance how you will experience menstruation, and it is also a feeling that can change throughout life depending on your general state of health. It is important to know that you should not be stressed and you should not be afraid of it. If And there are pains when you get your period, you can take an anti-pain pill or simply take some time off these days Time for rest and calm activity. In any case, as I said, there are also women who do not experience pain at all these days and menstruation should not interfere with your normal routine. There is a lot more information about such and similar issues on the Open Door website, and we also have counseling centers that you can contact with an anonymous phone call or schedule a face-to-face conversation with us and thus talk about additional issues if they come up later, we are here to listen and help.”

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A 13-year-old asks: “All my friends have a boyfriend and I’m in love… but no matter what I do, he doesn’t love me. I’ve loved him for a long time and I want to take the first step, but I don’t know how to start. We tried to talk several times. He is very cute and very funny but he doesn’t pay attention to me at all. Please advise me on how to start the first step to start liking me. I really hope you will help me. Thank you.”

The counselor’s answer: “Hello. These first steps in love, a first friend, are so confusing and not easy. It’s so natural! You really manage to describe your feeling. It’s very frustrating when we’re in love with someone and want to get closer to them, but things don’t progress in the direction we’d like. The first step is always the hardest – because on the one hand we want to have a romantic relationship (more than friendship…) and be able to get closer to those we love and are attracted to, and on the other hand there is sometimes the fear of being told no, or that we will be rejected. There are many ways to take the first step : You can simply take a deep breath, wait for the right moment (say, you are alone for a moment without others around) and say what we want – ‘Do you want us to do something today?’, ‘Do you feel like going out together sometime?’, ‘Would you like to go out together to …?’ Or – ‘I want to ask you something, but it’s really okay if it doesn’t suit you – do you want us to go somewhere together?’ Look for common topics, common things that interest you both, and develop a deeper conversation about them. Sometimes… it’s easier to do all these things on the phone, via WhatsApp or Instagram. So, like I said, there are many ways, and actually what is needed is mostly the courage to do the first step and jump into the water. Sometimes, actually leaving this wish in the stomach is much more annoying and burdensome – ‘Why didn’t I do it?’, ‘What will happen?’, ‘What’s stopping me?’, ‘Why can’t I do something That I want so much?’. No matter what the answer will be, or where things will develop, I wish you lots of success and encourage you to follow your heart with courage and curiosity.”

              1. “Door Open” is a center that provides advice to the youth in everything related to love, puberty and sexuality. You can get additional advice on the website/

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