When and how should I renew my Italian residence permit?

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Know your Neapolitan from your romana

One of the first questions you’ll be asked upon ordering at some Italian pizzerias is whether you’d prefer a Pizza – Neapolitan pizza – or a Roman pizza – Roman pizza.

The former is the more traditional version (the dish did, after all, originate in Naples, which in 2017 was awarded UNESCO heritage status for its pizza-making process), and has a thicker, more elastic dough. The latter is a thinner, crispier product.

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Sometimes the waiter will refer to Neapolitan style pizza as a high pizza (tall/thick pizza) and Roman style pizza as a low pizza (low/thin pizza).

You probably won’t be given the option to choose between the two in Naples, for obvious reasons – and you’d do well not to request a Roman pizza when in the city.

… and your rossa from your bianca

If you grew up on non-Italian pizza, you’ve probably absorbed the idea that tomato sauce is fundamental to the core identity of a pizza.

In Italy, that’s not at all the case: even if White pizza (‘white’ pizza) isn’t quite as popular as red pizza (‘red’, tomato sauce-based pizza), it’s still very common, and is considered just as much the real deal.

An Italian White pizza. Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska on Unsplash

Some pizzerias clearly divide their menus up into red pizza and White pizza sections, but others leave the diner to figure out whether their pizza is rossa or bianca based solely on the individual descriptions.

In these cases it’s worth reading the fine print and, if necessary, double checking with the waiter to avoid disappointment. A mention of cherry tomatoesfor example, indicates the inclusion of baby tomatoes on your pizza – not necessarily tomato paste or sauce.

Peppers isn’t a sausage

How many visitors have honed in on the word peppers on an Italian restaurant menu picturing some delicious, heartburn-inducing salami, only to find themselves tricked into ordering vegetables?

That’s right, peppers in Italian (note the singular ‘p’) isn’t sausage meat – it’s bell peppers.

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It’s not one of the most common pizza toppings, but you’ll sometimes see it included in a special in some of the more gourmet / experimental pizzerias, and it’s a popular side dish in Italian restaurants.

If you’ve never tried peppersdon’t write them off: unlike the more bitter green variety found in other countries, Italian peppers tend to be the sweeter red or yellow type, and are cooked in copious amounts of olive oil till they become extremely tender.

A 'peperoni' pizza.
A ‘peperoni’ pizza. Photo by Emily Powers on Unsplash

If you’re looking for pepperoni pizza of the kind you see in US and other anglo-saxon countries, you want Diavola Pizza (‘devil’s pizza’), which contains spicy salami (spicy salami).

More common meaty pizzas in Italy, though, are capricious pizzawith prosciutto ham, and pizza with / with sausagewith sausage meat.

Step outside your comfort zone

You might have a favourite pizza you always order religiously, and that’s fine. But when you’re in Italy, considering experimenting with some new flavours.

For whatever reason, there are a number of toppings popular in the pizza’s country of origin that haven’t really gained traction outside Italy’s borders.

Perhaps that’s because many of these toppings are vegetable-based, and most other countries haven’t got much further with vegetables and pizza than throwing them on raw and unseasoned at the end as an afterthought.

Italy, on the other hand, knows the value of fresh local produce that’s been properly prepared (read: drowned in olive oil) and seasoned: which is why parmesan pizza (aubergine parmesan pizza), pizza with mushrooms (mushroom pizza) and vegetarian / vegetable pizza (mixed vegetable pizza) are all national favourites.

READ ALSO: Domino’s Pizza pulls out of Italy after failing to win over Italians

You may be surprised to find that potatoes are not an uncommon pizza topping in Italy, or that adding uncooked cheeses like creamy stracciatella or crumbly ricotta on at the end is par for the course. Some pizzerias have elevated pizza to an art form, creating their own complex variants.

It's not uncommon to add creamy stracciatella cheese to an Italian pizza after it's been cooked.
It’s not uncommon to add creamy stracciatella cheese to an Italian pizza after it’s been cooked. Photo by Sanchit Singh on Unsplash

Expand your horizons a little, you may find you leave Italy with a new favourite pizza.

Acquaint yourself with pizza when cut

Everyone knows pizza isn’t really pizza unless it’s cooked in a traditional wood-fired pizza oven.

Unless, that is, it’s sliced ​​pizza.

Sliced ​​pizza – pizza ‘by the slice’ – is made in a large metal baking pan and cooked in a baker’s oven.

Pizza ovens can’t be beat, but they take a long time to heat up, which is why most pizzerias only open in the evenings. What if you wanted a little snack to tide you over in the middle of the day? Enter the sliced ​​pizza.

This pizza looks and tastes a bit different from the kind you order in restaurant: because the pans are rectangular, the slices are cut into squares or rectangles rather than triangles, and the consistency is a bit like thinner, crunchier topped focaccia.

READ ALSO: Ten of the most delicious street foods in Italy

Pizza al taglio at an Italian bakery counter.
Pizza al taglio at an Italian bakery counter. Photo by Romain Chollet on Unsplash

You’ll typically see sliced ​​pizza displayed in the counters of bakeries or cafe-bars; if you want to avoid ordering something that’s been sitting there for several days, check to see whether there’s a kitchen at the back that fresh baked goods could feasibly be coming out of.

Sliced ​​pizza is more of a snack than a meal – you’ll usually be asked if you want it to eat here (to eat here) or On the road (for the road), in which case they’ll usually slice, fold and partially enclose it in wax paper for you to munch on as you go on your way.

Do you have any more tips for ordering pizza in Italy? We’d love to hear them in the comments below.

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