Despite the attack in Syria: the airport in Aleppo is back in operation View the photos

by time news

An intelligence report by ImageSat International (ISI), the satellite and intelligence solutions company, revealed today (Friday) special satellite photographs from Syria showing the airport in Aleppo and the missile manufacturing plant in Mezaif after being damaged in a military attack.

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At the airport in Aleppo, which was hit by an attack this week, it can be seen that the runway has been repaired and apparently the field has returned to service. This means that, in contrast to the attack on the airport in Damascus, the attack in Aleppo was not intended to disable the runway for a long time, but only to prevent an Iranian plane from landing, and to signal the intentions.

Satellite image of Aleppo airport:

Satellite image of Aleppo airport in Syria (photo: ImageSat International (ISI))

On the missile manufacturing plant in Mzaif that was attacked last week, you can see a lot of destruction of buildings. It should be noted that the factory was attacked several times in the past.

Satellite image before The attack on the factory in Mezaif:

A satellite image of a missile manufacturing plant in Mezaif in Syria (Photo: ImageSat International (ISI))A satellite image of a missile manufacturing plant in Mezaif in Syria (Photo: ImageSat International (ISI))

Satellite image after The attack on the factory in Mezaif:

A satellite image of a missile manufacturing plant in Mezaif in Syria (Photo: ImageSat International (ISI))A satellite image of a missile manufacturing plant in Mezaif in Syria (Photo: ImageSat International (ISI))

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