Monkey pox can cause heart problems

by time news

Monkeypox has the potential to cause heart problems. This is what is reported in a study published in the scientific journal ‘Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Case Reports’, in which a group of researchers described a case of post-infection myocarditis. Protagonist: a 31-year-old man with confirmed monkeypox infection. About a week after the onset of monkeypox symptoms, the patient developed “inflammation of the heart muscle,” acute myocarditis.

Monkeypox is a disease caused by the monkeypox virus, same family as the virus that causes smallpox. Myocarditis can typically be caused by a viral infection. In the past, this problem has been associated with infection with smallpox, the more aggressive virus, and the authors of the study explain that “by extrapolation, the monkeypox virus could have tropism for myocardial tissue or cause immune-mediated injury to the heart.” In other words, it could also have heart muscle cells as a ‘target’.

“Through this important case study, we are developing a deeper understanding of monkeypox, viral myocarditis and how to accurately diagnose and manage this disease,” said Julia Grapsa, editor-in-chief of ‘JACC: Case Reports’. “The authors of this study used Cmr (cardiac magnetic resonance imaging) mapping, a comprehensive imaging tool, to help diagnose myocarditis.” The patient presented to a clinic 5 days after the onset of monkeypox symptoms (malaise, myalgia, fever, and multiple swollen lesions on the face, hands and genitals) and returned to the emergency room three days later reporting a chest tightness and discomfort radiating through the left arm.

The patient was admitted to the ICU after a first routine examination with the clinical suspicion of acute myocarditis. The results of the patient’s cardiac MRI study were consistent with myocardial inflammation and a diagnosis of acute myocarditis.

“This case highlights cardiac involvement as a potential complication associated with monkeypox infection,” said Ana Isabel Pinho, cardiology department at São João University Hospital Center in Portugal and lead author of the study. “We believe that reporting this potential causal relationship may increase the awareness of the scientific community and healthcare professionals; and may be useful for close monitoring of affected patients for further recognition of other complications in the future.”

The patient was discharged after one week with complete recovery. The authors said more research is needed to identify the relationship between monkeypox and heart damage.

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