What are the key dates and school traditions in Germany?

by time news

What’s happening?

Parents are breathing a sigh of relief across Germany. Yes, it’s time for children and young people to return to the classroom.

In Germany, more than eight million children and young people attend schools.

In some German states, pupils have already gone back to the classroom, including Berlin, Hamburg and North Rhine-Westphalia.

In Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, school starts again on September 5th. In Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg,  pupils and teachers go back a week later on September 12th.

This means that students everywhere across the country will soon all be back in class, ready for the new school year.

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Key vocabulary

Children in Germany first attend a elementary schoolwhich has a broad general curriculum. It’s similar to a primary or elementary school.

Children on their first day of school in Germany. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Philipp Schulze

Starting in the fifth year – depending largely on their academic achievement and parents’ final say – children can go to a secondary schools or Secondary school. In these two types of schools kids take vocational classes combined with vocational training.

Another option would be for them to attend a Gymnasiumwhich is more academic-oriented and prepares children for an high-school diploma (a school-leaving certificate which leads to a university education).


Each state of Germany’s 16 Federal states (states) is responsible for the school calendar. That means that school holidays vary depending on the region you’re in.

School holidays include:

Autumn holidays – autumn holidays

Christmas holidays – Christmas holidays

Winter holidays – winter holidays

Easter holidays – Easter holidays

Whitsun – Pentecost holidays

Summer holidays – The summer vacation

For a break down of all the holiday dates across German states, check out this calendar.

Culture around starting school

Starting school is a big deal in Germany. And you may be surprised to find that it usually takes place on a Saturday.

Youngsters head off for their enrolment day known as the school enrollment with their parents. It’s a day of celebration that can continue with families often having meals and parties in the afternoon after the official ceremony ends.

On school enrollment day, youngsters are also presented with their very own School cone (school gag). Parents stuff these bags that are shaped like cones with huge amounts of sweets and other treats to celebrate the start of school. It is sometimes known as a Sugar bag (sugar bag).

This tradition is said to date back to the early 1800s in Saxony and Thuringia. Starting in the larger cities, it quickly spread, becoming an integral part of school enrolment across Germany.

To many Germans, these cones are a significant symbol of starting school and entering a new phase of life.

READ ALSO: 7 cultural differences between raising kids in Germany and the US

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