After the disappearance of Imam Hassan Iquioussen, questions and criticisms in amateurism

by time news

Gérald Darmanin greeted too quickly “a great victory for the Republic” ? Since the green light given by the interim judge of the Council of State to the expulsion of Hassan Iquioussen, Tuesday August 30, the preacher remains untraceable. Perhaps he is in Belgium, suggested the next day, the prefect of Hauts-de-France, fueling criticism in amateurism against the Ministry of the Interior and the intelligence services. Sébastien Chenu (National Rally, North) and Eric Ciotti (Les Républicains, Alpes-Maritimes), they shout at « l’humiliation ». This umpteenth twist in a case erected as a symbol of the fight against “separatist speeches” by the Minister of the Interior himself raises many questions.

  • Why such an eviction procedure?

Born in France, the 58-year-old preacher, father of five French children, is of only Moroccan nationality. Hassan Iquioussen explains that he renounced French nationality shortly before his majority, under pressure from his father, and tried to recover it twice, without success.

Since he has lived in France since birth, the code for the entry and residence of foreigners protects him against any so-called expulsion. « simple » : he is deportable only in very limited cases, namely “in the event of behavior likely to harm the fundamental interests of the State, or linked to activities of a terrorist nature, or constituting acts of explicit and deliberate provocation to discrimination, hatred or violence against a person determined or a group of persons”.

It is on this last case that the ministerial order for the expulsion of Hassan Iquioussen is based, which calls into question his “proselytizing speech (…) bearer of a vision of Islam contrary to the values ​​of the French Republic”son “speech with a particularly virulent anti-Semitic content”advocating the “submission of women for the benefit of men”encouraging the “separatism” and the ” contempt “ of secularism. The Home Office also claims in the deportation order that it allegedly “questioned the reality of the terrorist attacks claimed by the terrorist organization Daesh [acronyme arabe de l’organisation Etat islamique, EI] ».

  • What does administrative justice say?

The expulsion of the imam was suspended by the administrative court at the beginning of August, and the judge in chambers of the Council of State finally gave his agreement on Tuesday August 30, specifying that the “anti-Semitic remarks made for several years, during numerous widely publicized conferences, as well as his discourse on the inferiority of women and their submission to men constitute acts of explicit and deliberate provocation to discrimination or hatred justifying the deportation decision”.

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