Martina Rossi, the Supreme Court: “The only procedural truth is that he died to escape an attempted rape”

by time news

A little more than three weeks after the sentence, the judges of the Supreme Court filed the reasons for the verdict which confirmed 3 years of imprisonment for the two defendants in the case of Martina Rossi. “The only procedural truth that appears to be confirmed in the evaluation of the many clues examined turns out to be that of the attempted sexual violence”Write the judges of the IV penal section. On 7 October the stoats confirmed the appeal sentence for Luca Vanneschi e Alessandro Albertoni, the two Aretini convicted of attempted group sexual violence: two other crimes, namely the failure to provide assistance and death as a result of another crime, are prescribed. The twenty-year-old Genoese student died on August 3, 2011 when she fell from the terrace of the Santa Ana hotel in Palma de Mallorca.

“The referring judges considered the coexistence of Albertoni and Vanneschi to be certain in room 609 qhen Martina fell from the balcony as well as the reasons of a logical order on the basis of which it was excluded that Vanneschi was sleeping, and the sexual nature of the attack against Martina was recognized ”. “The fact that Vanneschi was also involved in the attempted sexual violence with a role at least facilitating was clarified by the Florentine Court through a broad reasoning, which starts from deductive elements referring to the moments in which Martina was in room 609, in the presence of both “the accused” and up to the moment of her fall from the balcony of that room “, we read in the motivations.

“Likewise, it was possible to recall how both Albertoni and Vanneschi sought, from the first phase of the investigation, to pollute the evidential framework, in agreement with the other two occupants of room 609 a version of convenience”Underline the judges of the Supreme Court. “Martina, after going up to room 609 with a pair of short shorts, fell from the sixth floor without shorts but only with panties – continue the supreme judges – Martina’s roommates both report that the girl went up to room 609 wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, while when he fell from the sixth floor he was no longer wearing shorts and was wearing only briefs, as well as a t-shirt ”.

Finally, for the Supreme Court, “there are no elements whatsoever to be able to accredit the thesis of drug use by Martina together with Albertoni, derived from the assertions of the same accused, a thesis that in addition to colliding with the objective data of the negative results of laboratory tests it is founded on fragile deductive bases ”. Confirmation of the convictions in the Supreme Court came after the second appeal of Florence which sentenced the two defendants to 3 years for attempted group sexual violence. In first instance before the Court of Arezzo on 14 December 2018 Vanneschi and his friend Albertoni they were sentenced to 6 years in prison for attempted rape and death as a result of another crime. On 9 June 2020, the Court of Appeal of Florence then acquitted them “because the fact does not exist”. The Supreme Court, however, on January 21 last year annulled the acquittal sentence by ordering a new trial for the two defendants. From there we arrived at the encore appeal in Florence, confirmed by the supreme judges on 7 October last.

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