Former Socialist Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve launches a manifesto for “another left”

by time news

Former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, opposed to the agreement between the Socialist Party (PS) and La France insoumise (LFI) within the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes), believes that“another left is possible, which breaks with excess and sectarianism”in a manifesto published on Saturday September 3 on the website of the Sunday newspaper (JDD).

Ce ” manifest “ is signed by 400 personalities on the left, including almost all of the opponents of the pro-Nupes line of the current first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure. We find there the mayor of Le Mans, Stéphane Le Foll, the former first secretary of the PS Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, or the leader of the minority current Hélène Geoffroy, mayor of Vaulx-en-Velin. The president of the Occitanie region, Carole Delga, and the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo – ex-presidential candidate – are not among the signatories of the platform.

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« Bombastic postures of insubordination »

Observing a “devastated political landscape”Bernard Cazeneuve, who left the PS after the agreement between this party and LFI, believes that “nor the anemic relative majority [des macronistes]nor the oppositions mainly driven by radicalism seem to be able to meet the expectations of our compatriots”.

“It is very likely that the unbridled communication of a devitalized majority, without compass or project, and that the theatrical postures of radicalized oppositions will not be enough to respond to the democratic exhaustion which deprives the Republic of its vital force”he continues.

“It would be wrong to be satisfied with the grandiloquent postures of insubordination, by accepting the marriage of inconsistency and violence, in a nihilism where anger would prevent the advent of hope”, he adds in this manifesto. For the signatories, “the left in which we believe is steeped in the spirit of nuance”.

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“Left Republicans”

In this context, “It is therefore up to us, left-wing Republicans and wherever we come from, to organize ourselves to gather our forces and combine our efforts in order to give back to the French people the hope to which they are entitled”writes Bernard Cazeneuve again.

The former head of government launches “a call for refoundation, and therefore for the constitution of a collective dynamic”and precise “the mandate of the activists of hope: to demonstrate day after day that another left is possible, which breaks with excess and sectarianism”.

Among the signatories are also several former socialist ministers (Christian Eckert, Frédéric Cuvillier, Jean Glavany, Michel Sapin or Catherine Trautmann), socialist mayors (like Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol in Rouen), the president of the Brittany region, Loïg Chesnais- Girard, deputies « dissidents » de la Nupes, department presidents, senators, but also members of the Radical Left Party (PRG), including its president, Guillaume Lacroix.

Read also: Overlooking, the reflections of Bernard Cazeneuve “on a devastated political landscape”

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