This is the reason you sometimes sleep badly after drinking alcohol

by time news

You probably recognize it: you drank some wine with the girls, but as soon as you are in bed at home everything starts spinning and you have a mega nauseous feeling. Not really chill, but why is it that you sleep badly if you’ve been drinking alcohol? We explain the reason to you!

Do you ever sleep badly after drinking alcohol? That could be because of this

Do you always have trouble falling asleep after drinking alcohol? Then this is probably the reason

Bad sleeping

After a little too many drinks with your friends, you naturally hope to fall asleep like a log at home. But reality often disappoints and you are tossing and turning all night. As a result, you wake up in the morning with mega large bags under the eyes and that is of course not what you want! But how come you sleep so badly after you’ve had a drink?


Research shows that this is because your brain goes into recovery when the alcohol is converted. Because of this, you often start spinning, rolling or dreaming wildly, increasing the chance that you will wake up and remember your crazy dreams. But it doesn’t stop there, alcohol also has an effect on your bladder. This means that more urine is produced, which means that you have to urinate much more often at night. ah!

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Sore throat

Do you ever suffer from a sore throat when you wake up after a night of partying? That is of course possible because you sang along very loudly with all the hits, but it can also be because of your snoring! Alcohol relaxes the muscles in your upper airways, making you breathe differently than normal. snoring and waking up tired is not really nice. But good for a night of drinks with your girlfriends, we’ll have that bad sleep left, right?

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