“A contraction of credit and more delinquencies is foreseeable this third quarter”

by time news

Fernando Casero Alonso (Oviedo, 1957) has been president of the National Association of Financial Credit Establishments (Asnef) for six years. the employers’ association that brings together regulated financial entities specialized in consumer finance in Spain. A graduate in Economics and Business Sciences from the Universidad Comercial de Deusto, in Bilbao, he has a diploma in the General Management Plan from IESE and has been a member of the Official Registry of Auditors of Accounts (ROAC), since he took office, has had as one of its mantras that a credit activity reserve be established, so that only regulated entities can grant it. In the draft of the European Credit Directive, in which Brussels is currently working, this figure is included, something that Asnef celebrates. However, homemade insists on the need for Spain to regulate this aspect as soon as possible, even before the approval of the European directive, so that an efficient and transparent regulatory framework is structured, which guarantees the rights of consumers. “We have been demanding for many years that all entities that lend money have an activity reserve. What cannot be is that only 95 of the 667 fintech operating in Spain are supervised and regulated by an official body, either the Bank of Spain, the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) or the General Directorate of Insurance. It is very important that the consumer is protected. We believe that there is a sensitivity on the part of the regulators in this sense, and we hope to achieve it. Simply, we want the rules of the game to be the same for everyone. The fact of being regulated entities means that we have very high costs. That other entities do not have to meet the same requirements also harms us in terms of reputation and competitiveness », he says.

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