Stiftung Bunter Kreis Nordoberpfalz indispensable partner for many families

by time news
Image: Kliniken Nordoberpfalz, Michael Reindl/exb

Martin Helgert (Sparkasse Oberpfalz Nord), Marina Luttels (Head of the Colorful District North Oberpfalz), Dr. Christa Kraemer (legal counsel at Kliniken Nordoberpfalz), founder Renate Körber and Michael Hoffmann (Head of Kliniken Nordoberpfalz) look back on the current development of the Stiftung Bunter Kreis Nordoberpfalz during the meeting of the foundation board.”>

Martin Helgert (Sparkasse Oberpfalz Nord), Marina Luttels (Head of the Colorful District North Oberpfalz), Dr. Christa Kraemer (legal counsel at Kliniken Nordoberpfalz), founder Renate Körber and Michael Hoffmann (Head of Kliniken Nordoberpfalz) look back on the current development of the Bunter Kreis Nordoberpfalz foundation at the meeting of the foundation council.

Image: Kliniken Nordoberpfalz, Michael Reindl/exb

In 2019, the Bunter Kreis Nordoberpfalz Foundation was founded with the financial support of the founder Renate Körber. At this year’s meeting of the Board of Trustees, the past year was looked back on and the commitment of the aftercare facility was positively highlighted.

As an aftercare facility, the Bunte Kreis Nordoberpfalz is a link between outpatient and inpatient care. Since the start of the aftercare, the Bunter Kreis Nordoberpfalz has been able to accompany and support more than 500 families after their stay in the clinic. In order to be able to offer this help for self-help, the colorful circle is dependent on donations, because the support of the statutory health insurance companies is often not sufficient, the foundation writes in a press release.

At the meeting of the board of trustees, Michael Hoffmann, head of the Kliniken Nordoberpfalz, emphasized the importance of the team headed by Marina Luttels: “They help and support especially at the interfaces of the care structures. This is extremely important, especially for families who are facing challenges.”

Martin Helgert from Sparkasse Oberpfalz Nord, which manages the foundation’s assets with the foundation trust, looked back on the willingness to donate over the past few years. In 2021, around 8,500 euros in donations were generated. In addition, another substantial sum comes from the foundation’s income – a development that was rated as very positive, especially in view of the pandemic and the lack of events.

As an example, Luttels referred to support for the purchase of a vehicle for a family whose child needs a special rehab buggy. The Bunter Kreis Nordoberpfalz foundation was able to help with 3000 euros. “We also use the foundation’s funds when there is a longer need for care that is not covered by health insurance. We inform, advise and support families, coordinate medical and therapeutic appointments and inform families about the topics of development or nutrition. We still need financial support for this. Due to the pandemic, we are already noticing a significant decline here,” says Luttels.

Founder Renate Körber was impressed: “What you do is indispensable for many families in the region.”

The aftercare facility, which is affiliated with the children’s clinic at the Weiden Clinic, supports families with premature, chronically and seriously ill children who have special care requirements, holistically and individually over a period of up to nine months. More than 30 families are currently being supported on a permanent basis, and between 20 and 50 families are also receiving advice on various issues.

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