Partial legislative in the Yvelines: Minister Jean-Noël Barrot will team up with Anne Bergantz

by time news

It lacked a name and a face. In anticipation of the partial legislative election scheduled for October 2 and 9 in the second district of Yvelines, the new duo of the presidential majority was formalized this Sunday, in Magny-les-Hameaux, in the premises of the company Sauvaje.

It is Anne Bergantz, 53, municipal councilor in Lévis-Saint-Nom since 2018 and head of the social service of the Necker hospital, in Paris (15th century), who will perform the duties of substitute for Jean-Noël Barrot.

Re-elected deputy in June with 64% of the votes in the second round, Jean-Noël Barrot entered the government in July, as Minister Delegate (MoDem) for the digital transition. Under the law on the non-accumulation of mandates, if the minister wins the October legislative again, Anne Bergantz will therefore sit in the Assembly in his place.

An appeal deemed “absurd and unfair” by the Minister

This election follows the resignation of the deputy’s former deputy: Anne Grignon, mayor of Lévis-Saint-Nom. The decision of the elected, announced on August 12, was motivated by an appeal filed by an opponent before the Constitutional Council during the summer.

Deemed “absurd and unfair” by the minister this Sunday, this appeal is based on a “convoluted” provision of the electoral code, according to which “the replacement of a member of a parliamentary assembly cannot present himself as a substitute for a deputy “.

However, Anne Grignon was in second position on the LREM list for the 2017 senatorial elections. This list won only one seat: in the event of the resignation or death of Senator Martin Lévrier, it is Anne Grignon who would replace him. .

“Anne Grignon resigned with great courage”

On August 4, a month after Jean-Noël Barrot entered the government, Anne Grignon took her place at the Palais-Bourbon as is the rule. She resigned a week later, “with great courage and a great sense of the general interest”, underlined the minister this Sunday.

“Being a minister is a renewable CDD,” he added to the audience, made up of supporters and elected officials from the sector. Before that, you are a deputy. We draw our legitimacy from the trust of the voters. I will seek this confidence again for the partial legislative. »

“We are going to do everything so that the results of June are confirmed, added Anne Bergantz at the microphone. I express to Anne Grignon all my friendship and all my admiration”.

Another consequence of this reshuffle: Anne Grignon can, in fact, keep her scarf as mayor of Lévis-Saint-Nom. And remain president of the community of communes of the Haute Vallée de Chevreuse.

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