War in Ukraine: towards a Franco-German alliance for gas and electricity

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Ice hockey: the Federation does not want French people playing in Russia

The president of the French ice hockey federation (FFHG) estimated that it was “extremely complicated” to select the two major players of the tricolor selection Stéphane Da Costa and Yohann Auvitu, who play in a Russian club, at nine months of the Mondial-2023. “If the situation changes, if the International Federation decides to reintegrate Russia and Belarus into international competitions, then we will adapt,” said Pierre-Yves Gerbeau.


Mariupol: Ségolène Royal admits she was wrong

After questioning the reality of the Russian bombing of the Mariupol maternity hospital, the former elected official and former minister Ségolène Royal admitted having made a “mistake”. “I could have let believe that I was saying that there was no victim at all. It is a mistake, I recognize it, and I apologized to the victims,” she told Checknews.


France in favor of capping the price of Russian gas delivered by pipeline, Macron announces

“We are in favor of common gas purchasing practices (…) this would allow Europe, by buying together, to buy cheaper”, assured the President after an interview with the German Chancellor. Olaf Scholz devoted to the energy crisis in Europe. “If the Commission were to decide to put a ceiling on the price of gas purchased through the gas pipelines from Russia, France will support such a measure,” he added.


Energy: France is preparing to deliver more gas to Germany

“We are going to finalize the gas connections in order to be able to deliver gas to Germany (…) if there is a need for solidarity” and the latter “will put itself in a position to produce more electricity and from us (in ) bring in peak situations, ”said the French president to the press after a videoconference interview with Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

The President also assured that the quantities of gas imported from Russia into the EU had increased to 9% against 50% previously.


Macron talks to Zelensky about Zaporizhia

In a new exchange with his Ukrainian counterpart, the French president “recalled the imperative need to preserve the safety and security of nuclear installations, which can only pass through a withdrawal of Russian forces”, indicated the Elysée. “He also reaffirmed his determination that Ukrainian sovereignty over the plant be respected. »


Russian ex-journalist sentenced to 22 years in prison

A Russian court on Monday sentenced former Russian journalist Ivan Safronov, a specialist in military issues, to 22 years in prison for high treason. Incarcerated since 2020, the 32-year-old journalist will have to serve his sentence in a “severe regime penal colony”, according to the decision of the Moscow City Court, which intervenes in the midst of the conflict in Ukraine.


The last reactor of the Zaporizhia power plant disconnected

“Reactor number 6 has been shut down and disconnected from the network”, indicates Energoatom on Telegram, implicating a fire “which broke out because of the bombardments” and damaged a power line connecting this unit to the Ukrainian network.

This reactor was the only one to operate among the six units of this plant. On Saturday, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), whose experts are on site, had already announced the shutdown of reactor number 5, also due to the damage to a power line following a bombardment. .


Gas: Iran hopes to get out of the game

The Ukrainian crisis, an opportunity for Tehran? “Given Europe’s supply problems caused by the Ukraine crisis, Iran could meet Europe’s energy needs if the sanctions against it are lifted,” said Foreign Affairs spokesman Nasser Kanani. . The Iranian offer is linked to the possible conclusion of an agreement within the framework of the negotiations that have been going on for more than a year in Vienna for a revival of the international pact on the Iranian nuclear program of 2015.


“They killed the newspaper”

After the revocation of its license on Monday, the newspaper Novaya Gazeta, pillar of investigative journalism in Russia, expresses its great disappointment. “Today they killed the newspaper. They stole 30 years of their lives from his employees. They have deprived its readers of the right to information”, denounces the editorial staff.


The Russian occupation suspends its referendum project on the annexation of southern Ukraine

At the beginning of the month, the local authorities installed by Moscow had announced the forthcoming organization of a referendum on the membership of the Ukrainian region of Zaporijjia, in the south-east of Ukraine, to the Russian Federation.


New EU aid of 500 million euros for Ukraine

The European Union announces a new envelope of 500 million euros for Ukraine. It will be devoted to housing and education for displaced people, as well as agriculture in this country at war, announced the European executive.

This financing, announced on the sidelines of a meeting of the EU-Ukraine Association Council in Brussels in which Prime Minister Denys Chmygal is taking part, falls within the framework of European commitments announced in the spring.


Energy crisis: Macron talks to Scholz

Emmanuel Macron will meet this Monday by videoconference with his German counterpart Olaf Scholz, concerning the energy crisis, announces the Elysée. Their exchange, scheduled for 3 p.m., “will focus on the energy situation in Europe and on the actions already taken, at national and European level, to preserve security of supply, act on electricity prices and maintain full solidarity. between Member States. They will address the additional measures that can be taken to protect households and businesses, ”said the French presidency.


For the Kremlin, the closure of Nord Stream is the fault of the Europeans

The Kremlin has blamed European politicians for shutting down the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline, one of its main gas supply routes. Moscow claimed that economic sanctions against Russia had hampered Gazprom’s maintenance of the pipeline. “If the Europeans take the absolutely absurd decision to refuse to maintain their equipment, or rather equipment that belongs to Gazprom, but which they are contractually obliged to maintain, it is not Gazprom’s fault,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov in an interview on Russian state television.


Two soldiers implicated in child injuries

According to the officials of the State Bureau of Investigations, two soldiers implicated in the injuries of children during an arms exhibition in Chernihiv (Ukraine) have been arrested. “During a weapons demonstration, one of the servicemen allowed a child to pick up a loaded rocket-propelled grenade (RPG-26) and pull the trigger. As a result of the shooting, at least nine people were injured, including six children. The soldier who allowed the child to pull the trigger was informed that he was suspected of violating the rules of the handling of weapons, as was his commander”. The soldier faces a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.


Only two IAEA observers left in the nuclear power plant

According to Energoatom, the Ukrainian state company operating the country’s four nuclear power plants, four of the six members of the IAEA mission at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant have left the territory. The two observers still in the plant will remain permanently.

The results of the IAEA’s mission to the plant should be presented during the day.


UK extends training for Ukrainian soldiers

The duration of training for Ukrainian soldiers in the UK has been extended from three to five weeks. Around 4,700 soldiers have already been trained at military bases across the country.


Russian visas: the EU does not go far enough

According to Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, the European Union’s decision to suspend the visa facilitation agreement with Russia is insufficient. “Visas should be stopped or suspended for now while Russia is waging a terrorist war,” he told POLITICO. He rejected the EU’s tentative first step on Russian visas, when foreign ministers agreed to suspend a 2007 visa facilitation deal with Russia, a step that will make the visa process more onerous and costly , but will not completely eliminate it.

Earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that the EU’s 8th sanctions package against Russia should include decisions on pan-European visas for Russian citizens, stressing that “Europe is a territory of values, not a Disneyland for supporters of terrorism”.


Nord Stream cut, gas prices jump

Natural gas prices in Europe jumped in reaction to the announcement by Gazprom of the complete shutdown of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, through which passes most of the Russian gas delivered to Europe. Thus, the October contract of the Dutch TTF, a benchmark for natural gas in Europe, rose by 18.9%, to 255.25 euros per megawatt hour (MWh). However, gas prices are still below the historic highs reached at the end of August.


The doubts of volleyball player Jenia Grebennikov

While the Blues are playing in the round of 16 of the World Volleyball event against Japan, their libero, Jenia Grebennikov, assumes to return to her club in Saint Petersburg, Russia, at the end of the competition. “I’m here to work, not to play politics,” he explains. Read our article


Russian soldiers fall into the trap

Ukrainian hackers have registered a number of fake female social media accounts. Russian soldiers gave in to temptation and sent photos which were geotagged. A few days later, according to the Financial Times, a base identified ????????near occupied Melitopol was blasted by Ukrainian artillery.


Euro hits 20-year low against dollar

Since the start of the year, the European currency, which has reached its lowest point in 20 years against the dollar, has continued to weaken against the American currency.


“The sanctions against Russia will work more and more”, according to Catherine Colonna

Asked about RTL, Catherine Colonna, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, estimated that “the sanctions against Russia are working, and they will work more and more and have more and more effects. The Russian GDP is in decline, it reduces its capacity to finance its war effort”. According to her, “Russia has violated the most fundamental principles of international law, nevertheless we speak to all parties”, she added.

Catherine Colonna announced that she would go to Turkey today to encourage her to continue her “positive” action on the war in Ukraine and to “stay consistent with the efforts of the United Nations”.


Donbass remains Russia’s main target

The British Ministry of Defense in its daily update affirms that the Donbass remains the main objective of Russia. “Despite the efforts of the Russian army to contain the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the south, it is concentrating on the conquest of the Donbass region”, explains British intelligence. The main “Russian axes of advance remain at Avdiivka near the city of Donetsk and, 60 km to the north, around Bakhmut”.


Strengthened military presence in Lithuania

A new unit of German soldiers has arrived in Lithuania as NATO has promised to strengthen its eastern flank amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

This unit composed of a hundred soldiers and military equipment arrived in Klaipeda. Now, around 1,500 German soldiers are currently deployed in Lithuania. The country also hosts a rotating American battalion, which was reinforced after the invasion of Ukraine as well as Hungarian and Czech fighter jets.

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