Tax on superprofits: Emmanuel Macron pleads for a “European contribution mechanism”

by time news

Tax superprofits linked to the war in Ukraine? While this debate poisons the return of the executive, to the point of provoking a duel at the top between the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, and the Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, Emmanuel Macron presented this Monday his exit door. “We are defending a European contribution mechanism, (…) which would therefore be requested from energy operators (electricity and gas) “, declared the Head of State, during a press conference organized after a telephone interview with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

This weekend, Berlin promised to support such a contribution, drawing applause from the leftist opposition in France. “It’s Germany’s turn to tax superprofits,” rejoiced the rebellious Manon Aubry.

No question, for Macron, of using this lexicon. “He deliberately does not talk about tax,” said a government adviser. In fact, such a contribution already exists in France on nuclear and hydraulic production, as Bercy had recalled this weekend. The objective here is to establish it at European level and extend it to renewables.

Balm in the heart of the left wing of the majority

“Europe will then return to each nation the sums thus collected in order to be able to finance the national measures taken to support households and businesses”, advances the president. Incidentally, he says he does not want “national mechanisms”. But slips this message: “If Europe in the end fails to do it or says that finally it does not do it, we will return at that time to national debates. »

It was enough to give a little balm to the heart of the left wing of its majority, very sorry to have seen the executive close the door this summer. “It’s progressing a little bit,” blows one of its representatives. In the corridors of the executive, some also see it as a way of “whistling the end of recess” between Borne and Le Maire. And to “reverse” his opponents. But nothing says that this will make it possible to reduce the pressure in France… An LREM deputy prefers to smile: “In the Assembly, the debate is never closed! »

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