Papa: Love is the most basic quality

by time news

A delegation of Spanish Caritas met Pope Francis on September 5th at the Vatican to mark their 75th anniversary. Papa shared the joy that the occasion gave them.

C. Rubini CTC, Vatican News

Speaking to a delegation of Caritas in Spain on the occasion of its 75th anniversary, Pope Francis praised the charity work of the Catholic Church in Spain. The name Caritas reminds us of the fundamental nature of love that we must bear and that all are created in the image of God’s boundless love.

Greeting the members of the delegation of Caritas Spain who arrived at the Vatican, Pope Francis praised their 75 years of existence and the respect they have earned in Spanish society, transcending beliefs and ideologies. He also pointed out how caritas expresses love, the most essential characteristic of human beings created in the image of God.

Fellowship with God and each other

The divine way of love shows the way forward for the work of Caritas, the Pope said. The Pope recalled that the efforts of Caritas to build the unity that Christ calls us to be in communion with God and with our brothers and sisters can sometimes be lost in individuals and in society.

Highlighting the challenges of promoting this unity, the Pope reminded them that they must first focus on activities that encourage those they serve and develop their skills, not focusing only on results, but always accompanying them by being present and available to their needs.

The Pope then spoke about the importance of the warm welcome offered to those in need. The Pope called on us to help them find paths forward for their progress with an open mind to others and to God, and to help them achieve their potential despite their limitations and ours.

Self donation

The second challenge in their philanthropic field, the Pope pointed out, is to provide services that have an impact on people’s lives, not only to meet their needs, but also to promote their progress. Giving is important but the act of giving oneself and one’s own life, as Jesus taught, is above all important when it shows a person the door that opens to a new life and perspective of hope.

The Pope said that Jesus calls us to be “the leaven of the kingdom of justice, love and peace” and continued that he teaches us that whoever wants to be truly great must be the servant of all.

Give Christ’s helping hand

The last challenge the Pope mentioned concerns the efforts of the Church as the Body of Christ to act as a tangible way to reach others. The Pope said that Caritas shows us the hand of Christ extended to those in need, adding that even when he calls us among our suffering brothers and sisters, that extended hand is Christ’s.

This helping hand, the Pope said, should be seen as an opportunity for all to respond to the Lord’s invitation to seek out others who need our help – rather than managing resources and programs well and responsibly – as a real calling. The Pope concluded by saying that like the Good Samaritan who went out of his way to help and show mercy to a man in the hands of robbers, Jesus says to us, “Go and do likewise.”

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