china covid lockdown, China tightens covid restrictions; Cities under lockdown, people overwhelmed – report on china extended covid restrictions

by time news

BEIJING: Life has returned to normalcy in most countries with the easing of Covid-19 restrictions. But China is strictly implementing the Covid restrictions and lockdown again. In the western Chinese city of Chengdu, the Covid lockdown has been extended again and it is a city of about 21 million people. The IT hub of Shenzhen also continues to be under strict restrictions.

Schools in Chengdu are closed. Only parcel system will be allowed in restaurants. Widespread covid tests are also being conducted. The requirement is to return home as soon as the test is completed. 33 cities in China are under complete or partial lockdown. Even in some areas where the number of covid cases is very low, only employees with covid test results taken within 24 hours can enter work.

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The official figure is that 1552 covid cases were reported in the country on Monday. 140 of these cases are in Chengdu. It is reported that more than 60 million people across China are suffering from restrictions. Criticisms are also being raised against China’s zero covid policy. According to reports, the severe restrictions are also adversely affecting the country’s economy.

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