the contents of the author’s phone have been erased

by time news

“Phone reset to factory settings.” This is the message that appeared on the phone of Fernando André Sabag Montiel, the man arrested for having attempted to assassinate the Argentine vice-president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, on Thursday September 1. Some twenty-four hours after the device was sealed off and placed under the protection of the Argentine Federal Police, all data – information, contacts and apps – was erased from it.

“The circumstances under which the device was reformatted are unclear, explains the daily Profile. But what is certain is that the investigation stumbles on its first big stone. Access to the phone data would have been very important to reconstruct the steps and contacts of Fernando Sabag Montiel in recent days and weeks and determine what led him to attack the vice president, if he had help, accomplices or sponsors.”

The daily Page 12, very favorable to the vice-president, goes even further in his assumptions: “This phone is fundamental […] to determine if he had links with political groups determined to attack the vice-president, until

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