Why announce the death of a loved one on social networks?

by time news
Beyond his friends and relatives, it seems less and less aberrant to share the sad news of a death with a long-established virtual community. Adobe Stock

PSYCHOLOGY – By sharing a bereavement with one’s “community”, one anchors this loss in reality while fighting against oblivion.

There was a time when death announcements were found in the pages of the national or regional press. Today, it is not uncommon to discover on Facebook or Twitter the disappearance of the relative of a “friend” crossed once in a party, of a person followed but never met. The information sometimes ends with a request for support. “Send me your good vibes, I need it.” At first glance, the approach may surprise. Why share mourning with strangers? How would emojis or small words help?

“We live in a context where affects have taken precedence over reason, notes Elsa Godart, philosopher, psychoanalyst and author of I selfie, therefore I am. The metamorphoses of the self in the virtual age (Albin Michel). We exist first of all by what we feel and express. The wide sharing of this pain is therefore not surprising. » Christophe Fauré, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, author of Grieving day by day (Albin Michel)…

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