Unbelievable: a large city has decided to ban the advertising of meat products

by time news

“Of course, not everyone is happy with the decision, there are those who think it is scandalous – but there are also a lot of supporters.” As expected, there was opposition to the move even within the city, on the grounds that the installation constitutes an infringement on freedom of expression. One of the leaders of the opposition in the city expressed his displeasure: “It is sublime from my understanding that the municipality of Harlem is distributing a poster campaign on a huge scale inviting people to love who they want to love, and that in Harlem you can be yourself (tolerance campaign) – but if you like to eat meat instead of grass, ‘Brigadat The patronage’ will come and tell you that you are completely wrong.”

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Studies from recent years indicate that the food industry as a whole is responsible for a third of all greenhouse gas emissions in the world (including transportation expenses, growing grain and creating living spaces for sheep and cattle), and that the meat industry alone emits twice as much greenhouse gases as the plant-based food industry. Forests that absorb carbon dioxide are cut down in favor of habitats for raising animals for food. The fertilizers used to grow the grain to feed the livestock only are rich in nitrogen – which contributes to air and water pollution, climate change and the thinning of the ozone layer.

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