The labor shortage, a business nightmare

by time news
Currently, 355,400 job vacancies remain unfilled. NICOLAS GUYONNET/Hans Lucas via AFP

DECRYPTION – Even if growth slows, employers will struggle to recruit. They must reinvent themselves to attract candidates.

Months pass, and the lull does not come. Labor shortages are still just as prevalent in France this fall. Worse. They are generalizing. “We have always encountered recruitment difficulties, particularly in the butchery and fishmonger departments. But today, the tension is generalized.testifies Clément Bourrassin, store manager, and in charge of human resources at System U. “While ten years ago we were overwhelmed with CVs, we no longer receive a single one”, adds, for the bank, Frédéric Guyonnet, president of the SNB-CFE-CGC union. To the professions that had been in tension for years (computer specialists, boilermakers, home helpers) were added more unexpected professions: school bus drivers, salespeople… The figures are clear. There were 355,400 vacant jobs in France in the second quarter. This is 69% more than in the fourth quarter of 2019, before the health crisis.

The growth boom coming out of containment…

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