Andrew Tate remains incorrigible and dangerous

by time news

Banned social media star Andrew Tate has turned misogyny into a business model. Even after his worldwide ban, the ex-boxer hasn’t learned anything.

Andrew Tate in his time as a kickboxer in 2014. Since then, the ex-athlete has made misogyny his recipe for success.Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Executives and high-ranking politicians are often advised not to admit mistakes, even when they are obvious. The admission would amount to a greater loss of power than the mistake itself.

In this respect, Andrew Tate did everything right.

The ex-kickboxer and alleged multi-millionaire, who has become as well known for his men’s life coach seminars as he is famous for his incel sexism, was blasted off all social media platforms a few weeks ago for his sexist and discriminatory comments about women and minorities , so banned from Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube.

Twitter had blocked the American with British roots in 2017 after Tate publicly claimed that women who were sexually abused had a certain degree of personal responsibility.

Now, last week, Tate posted some sort of apology on a boxer friend’s platform, which of course isn’t. In an hour-long swagger rant dubbed “The Last Message,” Tate talks his own crude world of ideas into shape. He is a victim of his own success, he feels misunderstood and ultimately the media are to blame for his poor public image.

The man, who describes himself as a misogynist, shows no insight and, with his reply to the worldwide ban, strengthens his reputation as a role model for all incel men whose last chance with women seems to be a seminar with Andrew Tate. The misogyny business model, as the Austrian standard aptly called it, seems to be becoming a successful model thanks to Andrew Tate.

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1 comment

TateFan September 17, 2022 - 2:32 pm

*clenches hands together and cackles evilly*


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