A new species of dinozoon was discovered in Argentina

by time news

A team of scientists from Argentina discovered a new species of dinosaur dating back 90 million years, according to the journal Papers in Paleontology. Argentina’s National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) issued a statement that they and other experts “found the fossil remains of a new species in the theropod family Abelisaurid, a family of carnivorous dinosaurs.”

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The newly discovered species is called “Elemgasem nubilus”, named after the god Taluche and meaning in Latin “cloudy days”. According to the reports, the remains of the dinosaur found show that it is a predator about 8 years old, 13 meters long and 2.5 meters high. According to the Council for Scientific Research, the dinosaur belongs to an era characterized by global climate change and mass extinction events.

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This dinosaur family reportedly dominated the carnivores during the Late Cretaceous (66-100 million years ago) of Gondwana, a continent consisting of what is now South America, Antarctica, India, Africa, and Australia. Elemgasem nubilus was part of a fauna that included several carnivorous dinosaurs previously described as Patagonicus, Magraptor, Neucatraphorus, and Unnalgia, all from the same fossil region.

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