The US will open a new military testing facility in Saudi Arabia

by time news

Senior American officials have chosen Saudi Arabia as the place where a new military testing facility will be opened in Saudi Arabia where new technologies will be tested, with the aim of combating unmanned drones from Iran

In order to combat the growing threat of unmanned drones from Iran, senior officials in the United States military announced that a new military testing facility will be opened in Saudi Arabia where new technologies will be tested. This is published on the NBC network.

According to the report, the reasonThe American officials chose Saudi Arabia, is the fact that the country has large open areas owned by the government and the ability to test various methods of electronic warfare, such as jamming signals and directed energy, without disturbing nearby population centers.

The report comes in the background of increased security cooperation between moderate Arab countries and Israel against the growing Iranian threat.

At the beginning of the month it was announced that The US Navy is working with Israel, Saudi Arabia and other countries in the Middle East to build a network of unmanned drones, a program the Pentagon hopes will serve as a model for operations around the world, the Wall Street Journal reports.

US officials declined to disclose the number of aerial and naval drones deployed by the US and its allies or give details on where and how they were used, saying the information was classified. But the unmanned vessels and aircraft were said to give them better visibility over the region’s waters.

By next summer, the Navy said it expects to have 100 small surveillance UAVs donated by various countries operating from the Suez Canal in Egypt to the waters off the coast of Iran and feeding information to a command center in Bahrain, the headquarters of the Fifth Fleet.

The drone initiative, which is now in its sixth month, is part of a developing cooperative relationship between the US, Israel and the Gulf states following the Abraham Accords. This reflects another US-led effort to unite Israel and its Gulf neighbors to create a regional air defense network, Amichai Stein reported in ‘Here’s news’.

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