great for your back and buttocks

by time news

Some exercises just don’t get enough positive attention. We at Men’s health feel that we have to work hard for these exercises. For example, it is often said that the good morning exercise entails an enormous risk – that is not the case. In fact, this exercise for back, buttocks and the entire rear chain may just be the missing factor in your training schedule. Let’s explain to you why.

How do I perform the Good Morning exercise?

Place your feet about shoulder-width apart and place the weight on your shoulders (or, if you’re making it a kettlebell workout, in front of your chest). Tighten your buttocks and abdomen, bring your buttocks back and bend forward. Your knees are slightly bent. When you feel a good stretch in your hamstrings, push your pelvis forward to come back up. Do 3 sets of about 8 reps.

What weight should I pack?

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In terms of weight, we have one important piece of advice. Don’t go too heavy. In addition to all the good qualities of this exercise, it can also do a lot of harm if you go too heavy and make a wrong move. A good morning can quickly turn into a terrible morning if you perform it with too much weight. Look up your limits, but don’t go over them!

Which muscles do I train?

During the good morning exercise, the focus is on your (lower) back, buttocks and hamstrings. In addition to these muscles, your thighs, core muscles and just about all muscles in the posterior chain/back chain work together to stabilize your body. As if that weren’t enough, your upper back and shoulders also work to keep the weight in place. A real full-body exercise. One that cannot be missed in a balanced training schedule.

Dumbbells, barbells of kettlebels?

Although one will claim that this exercise really should be performed with a barbell, there will also be someone who thinks that you should only use dumbbells or kettlebells. Do not let them get to you. You can perform a good morning in many ways. Dumbbels, barbells, kettlebels, everything is possible. Just do what you feel most comfortable with. Prefer another exercise? Here you will find even more exercises for a legendary leg workout.

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