Elisabeth Borne prepares Renaissance deputies for the start of the school year

by time news

The Renaissance deputies (ex-La République en Marche) met on Wednesday, September 7, in Seine-et-Marne for their parliamentary days. On this occasion, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, wanted to prepare them for the “big time” of the political return, urging them not to ” to fear “ in a Parliament that has “found a place”.

“Let’s not lie to each other, we are heading towards weeks of heavy weather. But we also have a rare opportunity to change the course of things and initiate the transformations that our country and our fellow citizens need”launched the Prime Minister during the concluding speech of these parliamentary days, in Louan-Villegruis-Fontaine (Seine-et-Marne).

“The weeks to come will have their share of difficulties and clashes, often harsh, but I would like to end by expressing my confidence in you”insisted Mme Borne, while the first texts for the start of the school year – unemployment insurance, orientation and programming law for the Ministry of the Interior – were presented and adopted on Wednesday in the Council of Ministers, before the big budget battle in October.

Emmanuel Macron and his supporters lost an absolute majority in the National Assembly in the June legislative elections. In this configuration, the hypothesis of the triggering of 49-3 – which allows the adoption of a text without a vote, except for a motion of censure – for the vote on the budget is in everyone’s mind.

Read also: Elisabeth Borne announces sixty priority policies for the government, including ecological planning and energy sovereignty

“Parliament has found a place”

“At the risk of surprising, I tell you: I believe that Parliament has regained a place, that the citizens have given it a role, which, on a daily basis, can make my government’s task more difficult, but which, basically , is probably more balanced”also said Mr.me Borne. “Parliament, the majority groups and you in the first place, are a big part of the solution to the political knot in which we find ourselves”she insisted.

For the Prime Minister, the oppositions “have already, without waiting, played their cards. For the Republicans, to vote on the financial texts would be to approve the government’s policy as a whole. For La France insoumise, only the will to dissolve counts. As for the other forces of the Nupes, each outstretched hand is looked at with defiance because beware of the first who would make a dissonant voice be heard..

“But we don’t have to be afraidshe said, because we will not allow ourselves to be locked into the temptation of immobility. To this systematic will to block, affirmed without many nuances, we will respond with our determination and with respect for our institutions which have planned how to organize our democracy in these situations. »

Read the column: Article reserved for our subscribers “The word ‘sobriety’ is now on everyone’s lips, from Elisabeth Borne to the head of Medef”

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