Iranian ultimatum to the US and Israel: “We will not tolerate the presence of the Zionist entity”

by time news

The Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army, General Mohammad Bakri, wrote in a message that he published threatening words towards the US and Israel. The Lebanese news website al-ahed news quoted from his words (in free translation): “In recent months, the terrorist army of the USA tried to compensate for the withdrawal of its aircraft carriers, destroyers and helicopter carriers from the Persian Gulf and the waters of Oman, by including the Zionist entity that abducts and kills children in the command of the terrorist forces of the US military, which means, from our point of view, the spying (and even the operational) capabilities of America and its allies will be made available to the domineering Zionist entity, and this leads to an increase in the dangers directed towards our beloved country.”

Bakri added: “In addition to issuing a written warning and sending messages through our State Department to the host countries of the US military, we have set and are setting an ultimatum by strengthening our presence, increasing the range of our aerial and naval patrols, deepening our intelligence surveillance, conducting various missile exercises, “Tim and other exercises, and confirmation of our readiness… Our friendly and constant recommendation to the neighboring countries is that friendship and cooperation in establishing security in the region should be in the hands of our countries and without relying on foreigners.”

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General Bakri said in a speech he delivered last Sunday: “The reports we received indicate that several countries in the region that have normalized relations with the Zionist entity pose a threat in the region, and the Zionist entity’s joining the terror command of the US Army’s Central Command could provoke threats against us.” General Bakri He emphasized that “Iran will not tolerate the presence of the Zionist entity in the region, will not tolerate the development of the espionage process and the creation of threats, and will never compromise with respect to the rights of the Iranian people and the security of our seas and territories.”

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